Ejaculation Difficulty
性交不射精 (in
English and Chinese 中英文)
Treatment for liver stagnation and heat is high
syndrome By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文。 Ejaculation difficulty means unable or difficult to ejaculate during sexual intercourse. It does not mean impotence. The syndrome of "liver stagnation with heat" includes: Fullness and pain in the chest, and with depressed mood. Secondary: tightness and discomfort in the chest area, frequent sighing, lack of appetite, difficulty in ejaculation during intercourse, dislike talking, pain before and during menses (female), fullness in the breasts or with lumps, pale tongue with think fur, tight pulse. A study using Beck Depression Inventory shows that most of the gan qi yu jie (liver qi stagnation) patients were depressed. Another study shows that the increase of antidiuretic hormone is a significant correlative index of gan qi yu jie (liver qi stagnation). Gan qi stagnation is closely related with the function of regulating emotion of the central nervous system. Therapy Formula: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, (Yi Zong Jin Jian) with adjustment Prescription: long dan cao 9 g, huang qin 9 g, shan zhi zi 9 g, ze xie 12 g, mu tong 6 g, che qian zi 9 g, chai hu 6 g, gan cao 6 g, sheng di 12 g, add: lu lu tong 30 g, wang bu liu xing 12 g, xiao hui xiang 10 g, zhi xiang fu zi 12 g. Boil with water and use as tea. One package per day to be taken twice a day. Stop using it, when symptoms subside. Warning: This formula can be toxic to the kidneys because of the herb mu tong. There are different varieties of mu tong in the market. Before the Qing dynasty, however, it was not the toxic variety, because those herb mu tong was derived from either the plant of Akebia guinata or the plant Akebia lobata. Today, ninety five percent of mu tong (guan mu tong 關木通) used in China is from the stem of Aristolochia debilis, a toxic plant usually grown in the northeastern provinces of China, formally called Manchuria. Only rarely in a few localities in China, is mu tong obtained from Akebiaguinata or Akebia lobata being used. Today, all formulae that contain guan mu tong are being banned in China because of the toxicity to the kidneys. 肝氣鬱結有熱,不能射精 症狀:性交不能射精。陰莖勃起堅硬。性欲亢進。性交時間長而陰莖強硬不倒。口苦咽乾。心煩易怒。常有夢遺。睪丸或小腹脹痛。舌紅苔薄或紅厚。脈弦數。 龍膽瀉肝湯 《 醫宗金鑒 》 處方﹕ 龍膽草 9 克, 黄芩 9 克, 山栀子 9 克, 澤瀉 6 克, 川木通 9 克, 車前子 9 克, 柴胡 6 克, 甘草 6 克, 生地黄 12 克, 路路通 30 克, 王不留行 12 克, 小回香 10 克, 制香附子 12 克. 每日一劑﹐分二次服。 中病即止﹐不宜過劑。 注意﹕ 木通有幾種。現在市場上賣的 95% 是關木通, 屬于馬兜鈴科﹐對腎臟有毒。凡含有關木通的成藥被禁賣。 Other causes of ejaculation difficulties: Yin deficiency and heat is high Kidney deficiency due to fright Blood stasis
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