Ejaculation Difficulty: Blood stasis By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文 Ejaculation difficulty means unable or difficult to ejaculate during sexual intercourse. It does not mean impotence. The formulae are based on the different diagnostics. Chinese writing prescriptions should be used to avoid confusion at the herb store. The formulae in Romanized Chinese pinyin (pronunciations) are for your reference. Formula: xue fu ju zhu tang, plus Prescription: dang gui, sheng di, hong hua, huai niu xi 9 g each, tao ren 12 g, zhi ke, chi shao 6 g each, jiu zi 10 g, chai hu, gan cao 5 g each, jie geng, chuan xiong 4.5 g each, add she chuang zi 12 g. Boil with water. One package per day. Make into 2 servings.. 性交不能射精 症狀:性交不能射精。沉默易怒。胸悶不舒。陰部疼痛。舌紫有瘀斑。舌苔薄。脈沉細。 治療法:活血化瘀。補腎氣。 藥方名:血府逐瘀湯 《醫林改錯》 加味 組成: 當歸 9 克,生地 9 克,紅花 9 克, 懷牛膝 9 克,桃仁 12 克,枳殼 6 克,赤芍 6 克,柴胡 5 克,甘草 5 克, 桔梗 4.5 克, 川芎 4.5 克,蛇床子。
Other causes of ejaculation difficulties: 1. Yin deficiency and heat is high 2. Kidney deficiency due to fright 3. Liver stagnation and heat is high Click on the above individual links for the correct therapies. Back to sexual dysfunction.