Present Day Applications:
現代應用﹕ |
cancer of the neck of uterus, leukemia, liver cancer, enlargement of liver and spleen.
現代用於子宮頸癌, 白血病, 肝癌, 肝脾腫大。 |
Pharmaceutical name:
英文藥名﹕ |
Rhizoma Curcuma phaeocaulis |
Biological name:
拉丁文學名﹕ | Curcuma zedoaria (berg) Rosc.(莪朮) Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton (蓬莪朮) Curcuma kwangsiensis S .G. Lee et C. F. Liang (廣西莪朮) |
Pron. in Japanese:
日語發音﹕ |
gajutsu |
Pron. in Korean:
韓語發音﹕ |
ach'ul |
Pron. in Cantonese:
粵音﹕ |
ngo4 seot6 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ |
feng e zhu, lan xin jiang, hei xin jiang, jiang qi, feng zhu, guang zhu, wen zhu, shan jiang huang, lu jiang.
蓬莪朮,藍心姜, 黑心姜, 姜七, 篷莪, 蓬術,廣朮, 文朮, 山姜黃, 綠姜。 |
Common Names:
外文名﹕ | English: zedoary rhizome, zedoaria Indonesia: kunir putih; temu Vietnamese: nghệ đen Thai: khamin khao. Urdu (Pakistan and certain part of India: kachoor. |
產地﹕ |
Mainly in Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong. Guangxi e zhu is mainly produced in Guangxi. Wen e zhu is mainly produced in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Taiwan, Jiangxi.
莪朮主產於四川, 福建, 廣東等省。廣 西莪朮主 產于廣西。温莪 朮主產於浙江, 四川, 臺灣, 江西等省 |
性味﹕ |
slightly fragrant, slightly bitter and acrid.
微香,味微苦而辛 |
Channels (meridians) entered:
歸經﹕ |
liver, spleen.
肝 ,脾。
Medical functions:
Medical functions: -
anti tumor -
antibiotic -
inhibits platelet coagulation -
improves immune system -
improves memory [1] -
improves circulation in the arteries in the thighs -
relieves pain, especially in e zhu treated with vinegar -
prevention of leukopenia
藥理﹕ 抗腫瘤 抗菌 抗血小板凝集 增强免疫系统 增強記憶力 [1] 增加股動脈血流量 止痛,尤其醋制能增加止痛之功 抗白血球减少症
Actions & Indications:
主治﹕ |
Promotes qi flow and rids of blood stasis, amenorrhea due to blood stasis; distension and pain due to stagnation of undigested food; early stages of cancer in the cervix uteri (neck of uterus).
行氣破血,消積止痛。癥瘕痞塊,瘀血經閉,食積脹痛;早期子宮頸癌。 |
Chemical ingredients:
化學成份﹕ | -
Essential oil (1~1.5%): the main ingredient iscurzerenone. -
含揮發油1-1.5%, 油的组成為多種倍半萜衍生物和桉油精等,其中以莪朮酮(Curzerenone)為 主要成分。 -
焦莪朮酮(Pyrocurzerenone), -
蓬莪朮环氧 酮 (Zederone), -
蓬莪 朮酮 (Zedoarone), -
蓬莪 朮环二烯 (Furanodiene), -
蓬莪朮烯(Curzerene, Isofuranogermacrene), -
蓬莪朮环二 烯酮 (Furanodienone), -
異蓬莪朮环 二烯酮 (Isofuranodienone) -
蓬莪朮烯酮 (Curzerenone), -
表蓬莪朮烯 酮 (Epi-curzerenone) -
姜黄二酮 (莪朮雙酮) (Curdione), -
姜黄醇酮 (Curcolone), -
莪朮烯醇 (姜黄环氧奥烯醇)(Curcumenol), -
原姜黄环氧 奥烯醇 (Procurcumenol), -
異莪 朮烯醇 (異姜黄环氧奥烯醇)(Isocurcumenol) -
姜黄环氧奥 烯醇 (莪朮 醇)(Curcumol), -
姜黄奥二醇 (Curcumadiol). -
姜黄素 (Curcumin), -
欖香烯 (Elemene) -
去氢姜黄二 酮 (Dehydrocurdione). -
川芎嗪(tetramethylpyrazine) -
含澱粉64% (Starch 64%)
Dosage: 用量﹕ |
3-10g |
Samples of formulae:
處方舉例﹕ |
to be loaded |
Modern Research:
現代研究﹕ |
See on memory improvement in another site. |
禁忌﹕ |
Use care in cases of blood deficient (xuexu) with qixu (qi deficient) or pixu (spleen deficient) . Not to use in cases of pregnancy or excessive bleeding during menses.
血虛兼氣 虛, 脾虛 無積滯者慎服。月經過多及 孕婦忌服。
[1] Zhong Yao Cai. 1998 Oct; 21(10): 522-3.