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Drooping breasts 乳房下墮 Premature droopy breasts According to TCM diagnostics, from body function point of view, the premature drooping of breasts can be caused by:
The therapy methods are listed below: Formula #1: For loose breasts with condition of pixu (spleen deficient): Name of Formula: liu jun zi tang (Yi Xue Zheng Zhuang) Composition: ren shen, bai zhu, chen pi, ban xia 10 g each, Boil with water. Make into 2 to 3 servings.
Or use "qi wei bai zhu san " as listed below.
Formula #2: For loose breasts with condition of pixu (spleen deficient): Name of Formula: qi wei bai zhu san Composition: ren shen 6 g, fu ling 10 g, bai zhu 10 g, gan cao 12 g, mu xiang 6 g, ge gen15 g、huo xiang10 g. Boil with water and use as tea.
Formula #3: For loose breasts with conditions of qixu (qi deficient) and blood deficient: Name of Formula: ren shen yang rong tang
Formula #4: liver meridian stagnation , depressed, constriction of blood vessels, bad capillary circulation of the extremities. Name of Formula: xiao yao san with adjustment of ingredients. Besides using herbs to correct the functions of the body, regular exercises like bench presses can strengthen the chest muscles.
Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 乳房下墮 (一) 乳房下墮兼脾虛者﹐用六君子湯 (A) 處方﹕六君子湯 (醫學正傳) 人參﹐白 朮 ﹐陳皮﹐半 夏各10克﹐炙甘 草 5克﹐茯 苓 6克。 水煎服。每日兩三次。 (B) 或用七味白朮散 處方﹕七味白朮散 (小兒藥證直訣 ) 人參 6 g、茯 苓 10 g、白 朮10 g、甘 草 12 g、木 香 6 g、葛 根15 g、藿 香10 g (二) 乳房下墮兼氣虛與血虛者﹐用人參養榮湯
(三) 肝經鬱結,心情鬱悶,會導致血管處於痙攣狀態,末稍微循環供血與氧氣不足;用逍遙散加減。