Pharmaceutical name:
英文藥名﹕ |
Semen Abutili (qing ma zi 苘麻子)
Semen Malvae (dong kui zi 冬葵子) |
Latin name:
學名﹕ |
Malva crispa L
Malva verticillata, L. (冬葵)
Abutilon indicum (苘麻)
Abutilon theophrasti Medic. (苘麻) |
Pinyin Pron.
拼音: |
苘 is pronounced as
qiǒng, also as qǐng |
Pron. in Japanese:
日語發音﹕ |
tokishi (冬葵子)
shimaichibi (苘麻子) |
Pron. in Korean:
韓語發音﹕ |
tonggyuja (冬 葵子) |
Pron. in Cantonese:
粵音﹕ |
dung1 kwa4 zi2 (冬葵子)
qwing2 maa4 zi2 (苘麻子) |
Other Names:
別名﹕ |
kui chai zi 葵菜子。 |
Common Name:
英文名﹕ |
qing ma zi: Abutilon seed, Chingma seed
dong kui zi: curly mallow seed |
產地﹕ |
tropical and subtropical areas of Asia: from India, Indo-China, southern part of China and the island of Taiwan.
分布在熱帶及 亞熱帶的亞洲地區,從印度,中南半島,中國的華南各省及台灣等地。 |
性味﹕ |
dong kui zi: bitter, cold and with laxative property.
冬葵子: 味 甘,性寒而 滑。 |
Channels (meridians) entered:
歸經﹕ |
dong kui zi: large intestine, small intestine, bladder.
冬葵子 :大 腸,小腸 ,膀胱 。 |
Medical functions:
藥理﹕ | |
Actions & Indications:
主治﹕ |
dong kui zi is being used in urinary tract infection, edema, constipation, dysentery, gonorrhea, boils, bronchitis, cystitis, and cataract.
qing ma zi is being used in urinary tract infection and edema.
dong kui zi (Malva crispa L;or
Malva verticillata, L.)
and qing ma (Abutilon theophrasti Medic) are 2 different herbs and their functions are different. Do not interchange.
Today, the dong kui zi sold as merchandise are mainly qing mai zi.
冬葵子具有清熱利濕,解毒,退水;用於治 二便不通,淋病,水腫,婦女乳汁不行,乳房腫痛,赤 白痢疾,淋病澀痛,支 氣管炎,膀胱炎,癰腫目翳 等。
婦人孔房脹痛,冬 葵子,砂 仁等分為末,熱酒服三錢,其腫即消。
茼麻子具清利濕熱,退水功 能。
目前商品所用的冬葵子,大多為苘麻的種子。 |
Chemical ingredients:
化學成份﹕ |
Seed of dong kui zi contains fat and protein. Flower contains anthocyanin. The fresh herb contains monoa 6.8-7.4%, sucrose 4.1- 4.6%,maltose 4.5- 4.8%, starch 1.2%.
種子含脂肪油及蛋白質。花含花青素類。鮮冬葵含單糖6.8~7.4%, 蔗糖4.1~4.6%,麥芽糖4.5~4.8%,澱粉1.2% |
用量﹕ |
0.5 to 2 g.
0.5~2克 。 |
Samples of formulae:
處方舉例﹕ |
Name of Formula: pai shi fang (expelling stone formula)
Application: kidney stones with urinary tract infection
hua shi,
jin qian cao 30g each, dong kui zi,
hai jin sha, 15g each, bian xu, ju mai,
raw ji nei jin,
che qian zi, 12g each, wang bu liu xing10g,
niu xi,
chuan lian zi 9g each, mu tong,
gan cao 6g each.
mu tong can be omitted because of the risk of getting the toxic variety.
組成:滑石,金錢草各30g,冬葵子,海金 沙各15g,扁蓄,瞿麥,生雞內金,車前子各12g,王不留 行10g,
牛膝,川 楝 子各 9g, 木通,甘草各6g用水煎服,每日1劑,有清熱利濕,通淋排石的功效..
註:木通 可以不必用,因為可能買到有毒的關木通。 |
Modern Research:
現代研究﹕ | |
禁忌﹕ |
Not to be used in cases of qi deficient or pixu (spleen deficient) with loose stool or during pregnancies.
氣虛 或 脾虛腸滑者,懷孕者忌用。 |