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Differentiating jiang huang, yu jin, shu gu jiang huang and e zhu


By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu        click here to read Chinese 按此看中文



Because of the areas of production and the varieties, the commercial names of herb can be confusing. For  example herbs from similar plants can have different names; and herbs of different plants can have the same names.


Differentiating the varieties and the confusion::

  1. Curcuma longa L﹐ (jiang huang 薑黃); also called Curcuma domestica Val.

  2. Curcuma kwangsinensis S.G. Lee et C.F. Ling L. (Guangxi e zhu 廣西莪, 桂鬱金 )

  3.  Curcuma aromatica Salisb. (yu jin 鬱金 )

  4. Curcuma zedoaria (berg) Rosc. (e zhu 莪朮 )

  5. Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling (温鬱金)

  6. Curcuma phaeocaulis Val. (蓬莪朮, 綠絲鬱金)

  7. Curcuma xanthorrhiza  Roxb. (束骨姜黄)

He yu jin (black yu jin) is also called: wen yu jin, wen yi jin, or chuan yu jin and is produced in the district of Wen Zhou of Zhejiang province. Chuan in this case does not mean Sichuan province but it means river. Wen does not mean warm or mild. It means the district Wen Zhou.

Guang yu jin does not mean it is produced in Guangdong. Guang (廣) in this case means "broad�. It is mainly produced in Sichuan. It is the root of Curcuma longa  It is also called "huang si yu" (huang si means yellow silk) and "jiang huang".

E zhu (Curcuma zedoaria Boscoc.) dry herb is usually in thicker slices and grey in color.

Yu jin dry herb is usually thinner and in smaller slices than e zhu and translucent and much paler than jiang huang (turmeric).

Shu gu jiang huang (Curcuma xanthorrhiza  Roxb.) is lighter in color compared to jiang huang (turmeric) and the roots are more than 10 times larger than jiang huang. It is also called da jiang huang, meaning large jiang huang.


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由於產地和品種不同 藥材商 品名稱産 生紊 亂情形。類 似植物名稱不 相同有 名稱相同而植物不同

  • 薑黃 Curcuma longa L﹐ 學名亦稱為 Curcuma domestica Val.

  • 廣西莪, 桂鬱金 Curcuma kwangsinensis S.G. Lee et C.F. Ling L.

  • 鬱金Curcuma aromatica Salisb.

  • 莪 朮 Curcuma zedoaria (berg) Rosc.

  • 温鬱金Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling

  • 蓬莪朮綠絲鬱金Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.

  • 束骨姜黄 Curcuma xanthorrhiza  Roxb.

温鬱金Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C.Ling 根莖稱為温鬱金 黑鬱金,川鬱金,川益金, 為產于浙江温州的植物鬱金的乾燥塊根。『 温』不是指温和;而是指温州。『川』不是指四川。可能是指甌江。

廣鬱金(Curcuma longa L)主產於四川,為薑 黃的塊 根,色鮮黃稱 為黄絲鬱金薑 黃廣 非指廣東。是指寬大。

川鬱金 (Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling)主產於浙江溫州,又名溫 鬱金, 為鬱金的塊根,色暗灰。川非指四川,而 是指温州。

蓬 莪朮別名綠 絲鬱金』 (Curcuma phaeocaulis Val. )

薑黄 與鬱 金功效相似而異 ,川鬱金(鬱金)於行氣解鬱,廣鬱金 (薑黄)於活血化瘀。

束骨薑黄Curcuma xanthorrhiza  Roxb.,別名大薑黄但不是薑黄。一般用於治肝炎與産婦用來催乳。


  1. 莪朮飲 片通常較大與厚而不透明,灰褐色

  2. 鬱金飲 片較小,色浅而半透明,不香。

  3. 薑黃飲 片色黄,味香。

  4. 束骨薑黄飲片較莪朮大而黄,但颜色較薑黄為淡。

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