Samples of formulae :處方舉例﹕ | (1) liver yang over active, blurry vision and dizziness﹕ liver yang ascending with heat: Name of Formula: dai zhe shi tang. Composition: dai zhe shi, shi jue ming, xia ku cao, niu xi. (2) Vomiting, hiccups: Name of Formula: xuan fu hua dai zhe shi tang. Composition: dai zhe shi, xuan fu hua, ban xia, sheng jiang. (3) Asthma, wheezing and difficult to sleep﹕ Use single herb of dai zhe shi. Grind into powder. Mix with rice vinegar. Take orally. For Asthma with lung deficient, kidney deficient and yang deficient, yin deficient : Name of Formula: shen zhe zhen qi tang. Composition: dai zhe shi, dang shen, shan zhu yu, hu tao (walnut nut). (4) Stomach neurosis (Nervous Dyspepsia): xuan fu hua (wrap in cloth)10 g, dai zhe shi (boil first) 25 g, ding xiang (drop in during the last few minutes of cooking ) 5 g, sha ren (drop in during the last few minutes of cooking) 6 g, dang shen12 g, fu ling10 g, bai zhu10 g, gan cao 6 g, chen pi 8 g, ban xia10 g, mu xiang 5 g, da zao 5 pieces, sheng jia 6 g. Adjust the formula according to diagnosis. One dose per day. Boil with water.10 days is one therapy period. After the sympton subsides, use xiao Yao Wan, and xiang sha liu jun zi tang. Take continuously for 1 to 3 months to strengthen the effect. (1) 用 於肝陽上亢,頭暈目眩: 治 肝陽上 亢肝火盛者,常與石 決明,夏 枯草,牛 膝等同用,如代赭石湯; 治 肝腎陰 虛, 肝陽上亢者 ,每與龜板,牡蠣,白芍藥等滋陰潛陽藥同用,如鎮肝息風湯 (2) 用於嘔吐,呃逆,噫氣等症:
治 胃氣上逆之嘔吐,呃逆,噫氣不止等症,常與旋覆花,半夏,生薑等配伍,如旋覆代赭湯。 (3) 用 於氣逆喘息: 治 哮喘有 聲,臥睡不得者,可單用本品研末,米醋調服。 治肺不足腎 虛,陰 虛兼陽 虛之 虛喘,每與黨參, 山茱萸,胡桃肉等配伍,如參赭鎮氣湯。 (4) 用 於血熱吐衄,崩漏: 治 血熱妄 行之吐血,衄血,可與白芍藥,竹茹,牛蒡子等同用,如寒降湯; 治血熱崩漏下血,可與禹餘糧,赤石脂,五靈脂等同用,如震靈丹。 (5). 用於胃神經官能症: 旋覆花(布包)10g,代赭石(先煎)25g, 丁香(後下)5g,砂 仁(後下)6g,黨 參12g,茯 苓10g,白 朮10g,甘 草6g,陳皮8g,法半 夏10g,木 香5g,大 棗5枚,生 薑6g。随証加减,每日1劑。水煎服,10日为1療程。病情緩解後以逍遙丸合 香砂六君子湯繼續服1~3個月以鞏固療效。 |