Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | edema, flatulence, urine stagnation, water retention in legs and feet, burping foul smelling gas, indigestion, fungal infection in the digestive tract. 水腫脹滿,小便停滯,腳氣濕腫,惡阻脹悶,腸胃不和,內傷濕滯。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | Name of Formula: da fu pi san [1] Application: For sequela of lack of appetite after having cold or influenza. Composition: da fu pi 30 g (grind), cao dou kou 15 g,(remove peel), ren shen15 g,(remove stem), fu ling 15 g, , bai zhu 30 g, chen pi 0.3 g(soak with water, remove inner white part, bake), gan jiang 15 g, bake and grind), hou po 15 g, (remove coarse skin), brush with shen jiang juice, bake to fragrance and cooked), jie ke 15 g(stir fry with bran to slightly yellow, remove inner white part), gan cao 15 g, (bake to slightly yellow, grind), rou gui 15 g. Dosage: use 15 g each time. Make decoction with one large bowl of water, add shen jiang 0.15 g, da zao 3 pieces. Simmer until half a bowl. Strain, drink any time, while warm. 大腹皮散 (太平 聖惠方) 功能主治:和氣,益脾胃。主治傷寒後,胃氣不和,不思飲食。 處方:大腹皮1兩(銼),草荳蔻半兩(去皮),人參半兩(去蘆頭),茯苓半兩,白朮1兩半,陳 皮 3分(湯浸,去白瓤,焙),乾薑半兩(炮裂,銼),厚樸半兩(去粗皮,涂生薑汁,炙令香熟),枳 殼半兩(麩炒微黃,去白瓤),甘草半兩(炙微赤,銼),肉桂半兩。 上為粗散。 用法用量: 每服5錢,以水1大盞,加生薑半分,大 棗 3枚,煎至5分,去滓溫服。不拘時候。 |