In general it is used in pain, coughing, gastritis, ulcer of stomach, abdomen pain, diarrhea, jaundice, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough. External application is being used in dermatitis from working in wet rice fields, insect bites. Roots: for treating blood stasis due to overwork, irregular menses, pain during menses. Whole herb with roots: being used in arresting swelling, pain, toxin. It is being used in pain in the digestive tract and ulcers. It is being used in Europe for gall bladder stone and weak digestion. This herb is not commonly used in China today. 一般用於 清熱解毒,止痛,止咳。用於胃炎,胃潰瘍,腹痛,腸炎,痢疾,黃疸,慢性氣管炎,百日咳;外用治水田皮炎,毒虫咬傷。 根: 破瘀止痛,主治勞傷瘀血,月經不調,痛經等症。 帶根全草: 能消腫,止痛,解毒,主治蛇咬傷,瘡癤,疔毒,多用為鎮痛藥,治胃 腸疼痛及潰瘍等症。 在歐州用 於治療膽石症和消化不良。 |