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dong chong xia cao 冬 蟲夏草

(In English and Chinese 中英文)

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name:

英文藥名 ﹕

Cordyceps Sinensis

Latin name:

拉丁學名 ﹕

Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. and the usually the larvae are the remains of Hepialus varians

Pron. in Japanese:



Pron. in Korean:


tong ch'ung ha ch'o

Pron. in Cantonese:


dung1 cung4 haa6 cou2

Other Name:

別名 ﹕

chong cao, dong chong cao, yarsa gumba (Nepalese name of Tibetan origin),  yartsa gunbu  ((dbyar rtswa dgun 'bu) Tibetan  name)

蟲草 ﹐冬蟲 草

Common Name:




產地 ﹕

Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Tibet where the elevations are over 3,000 meters with cold climate.


Properties (characteristics)﹕

性味 ﹕

sweet, warm

甜﹐ 溫

Channels (meridians) entered:


lung, kidney

肺﹐ 腎

Actions & Indications:功 效與應用﹕

tonifies lung yin and kidney yang. For impotence, chronic lower back pain, afraid of cold, over abundance of mucus and tears,  chronic cough and wheezing from deficiency, blood in phlegm from consumption due to kidney yang deficiency (shenyangxu).

 用 於腎 陽虛 所致肺虛 肺結核咳血,痰多﹐淚多﹐陽痿﹐腰背酸痛等症。本品有滋肺陰,補腎 陽的作用,為一 種平補陰陽的藥物。

Medical Function:

藥理 ﹕

  1. improves auto-immune system function. It is an effective adjuvant therapy in  hematopoietic dysfunction and in cancer. Cordyceps polysaccharide on peripheral blood lymphocytes possesses bidirectional immuno-modulatory effects.
    It can enhance the macrophage immune activity.
    Significant improvement of the condition of deformability of erythrocyte after strenuous exercise, and it is related to the degree of concentration of the extract of the herb. As the concentration increases, the effect of improvement increases.
    It can significantly inhibit lipid peroxidation of membrane lipid peroxidation after exercise. There is a strong scavenging effect.

  2. protects kidneys from toxins,

  3. protects kidneys from exhaustion,

  4. protects liver from toxins and treats and prevents cirrhosis of liver,

  5. protect the heart from the damaging effect of  ouabain (C29H44O12.8H2O),

  6. anti-arrhythmia,  

  7. anti-rejection effect in cornea transplant,

  8. antibiotic effect,

  9. inhibits contraction of smooth muscles.

  10. inhibits group A Streptococcus bacteria

The following to be translated in detail:

1 對免疫及血液系統的作用

2 對腎臟的作用
 對腎毒性損傷的防治作用作用﹔機制可能包括:(1)拮抗氨基糖苷所致腎臟氧耗下降,提高腎小管Na+-K+-ATP酶活力;(2)減輕 氨基糖 苷溶酶 體損傷的脂質過氧化損傷;(3)降低組織鈣含量;(4)通過誘導腎小管細胞c-myc基因表達以及對損傷狀態下腎組織表皮生 長因子調節的 保護,促進腎 小管的再生修復。
2.2 對急性腎毒性的保護作用〔6〕:利用環孢A致急性腎毒性動物模型,觀察冬蟲夏草對大鼠腎功能的保護作用。實驗發現:冬蟲夏草組血清肌酐﹐ 尿素氮 上升較 為遲緩,與對照組比較P<0.01。這種改變可能與冬蟲夏草改善環孢A所致的腎血流量動力學異常有關;冬蟲夏草組尿鈉﹐鉀排出量較實 驗前下降幅度 較小,而對照 組隨實驗時間的延長有明顯下降(P<0.01);冬蟲夏草組腎組織線粒體Na+-K+-ATP及Ca2+-ATP酶 活性明顯高於對照組(P<0.05)。 改善細胞內線粒體呼吸功能,使其增加能量以維持細胞內外正常的離子梯度,加速病損細胞的修復,這可 能是冬蟲夏草的作用機制之一。
2.3 對慢性腎功能衰竭的防治作用〔7〕:利用腎大部分切除術建立慢性腎功能衰竭(CRF)模型,觀察冬蟲夏草對殘余腎組織和腎功能的影響 。結果 :(1)冬蟲夏草組 治90 d時,大鼠的血清肌酐﹐尿素氮﹐甘油三酯﹐膽固醇和24 h尿蛋白均明顯低於對照組(P<0.05);(2)冬蟲夏草組 尿3-甲 基組氨酸排泄率明 顯低於對照組(P<0.05);冬蟲夏草組的肝臟和肌肉組織蛋白合成速率亦顯著高於對照組;(3)冬蟲夏草組的腎小球硬 化﹐腎小管萎縮 和間質纖維化程度均明顯 低於對照組(P<0.05);(4)治療120 d時,冬蟲夏草組死亡率為33.33%,對照組為42.22%;(5)治 療180 d時,冬蟲夏草組的頡﹐亮﹐ 異亮﹐賴酪氨酸水平以及細胞內外的支鏈氨基酸之和均明顯高於對照組(P<0.05)。提示:冬蟲夏草能延緩CRF大 鼠的腎功 能減退,減輕蛋白尿,糾正氨基 酸﹐蛋白質和脂質代謝紊亂,抑制殘余腎組織的腎小球硬化和腎小管-間質損傷的發展。
3 對肝臟的作用
3.1 對肝損傷的保護作用〔8〕:用四氯化碳 (CCl4)及硫代乙酰胺(TAA)致小鼠肝損傷的兩種病理模型觀察冬蟲夏草對其預防及治療作用。實驗結果 :CCl4或TAA致 肝損傷的小鼠口服冬蟲夏草脂質體後,均可使肝損傷的ALT有不同程度下降,且下降幅度與劑量有關。小鼠肝組織病理切片顯 示,冬蟲夏草脂質體對CCl4損 傷的肝 組織有一定的保護作用,肝組織結構顯示接近正常組織,但對TAA損傷的肝組織未見有明顯改善,可能由於TAA致 小鼠肝損傷的不可逆性。
3.2 對肝纖維化的防治作用〔9〕:以冬蟲夏草水溶液大鼠灌胃的方式,觀察其對CCl4誘發的肝纖維化的療效。結果:冬蟲夏草組血清PCⅢ明顯 低於對 照組; 肝細胞變性﹐壞死﹐纖維組織增生亦明顯輕於對照組;冬蟲夏草組Ⅰ﹐Ⅲ﹐Ⅳ型膠原在肝組織中的沉積亦輕於對照組,並能抑制肝細胞合 成Ⅳ型膠原。 超微結構研究 發現,冬蟲夏草不僅抑制FSC(位於肝竇狹氏間隙的成纖維細胞系細胞)增殖,還能抑制FSC向肌成纖維細胞及成纖維 細胞轉化。因此推測冬蟲夏草抗 肝纖維化的機 制可能是通過抑制FSC增殖和向肌成纖維細胞及成纖維細胞轉化,從而減弱FSC合成膠原的能力。
4 對心臟的作用
4.1 拮抗哇巴因致心臟的毒性〔10〕:以腹腔給藥方式,冬蟲夏草菌絲體醇提物(冬蟲夏草B)能顯著提高哇巴因致豚鼠心臟毒性的劑量和LD100的 劑 量,並 能延遲豚鼠發生心臟毒性和LD100的時間,提高SOD活性和降低氧化代謝物的含量,其作用強度存在劑量依賴性。
4.2 抗心律失常作用〔11〕:冬蟲夏草對大鼠﹐小鼠﹐豚鼠﹐兔4種動物分別 由烏頭鹼﹐氯化鋇﹐腎上腺素所致的心律失常有明顯抑制作用, 但對異 搏定所 引起的心律失常卻有加劇作用,而對哇巴因誘發的心律失常無明顯影響,提示冬蟲夏草可能是直接作用於心臟產生抗心律失常作用。
4.3 對心功能的影響〔12〕:給麻醉大鼠靜注冬蟲夏草B,當劑量為1.5 g(生藥)/kg以上時能使心率減慢,5 min左右恢復正常 ;皮下 注射5 g/kg以上時,能明顯延長小鼠耐缺氧能力,使心肌對Rb(金屬元素銣)的攝取增加,表明可增加心肌營養性血液量;腹腔注 射2.5 g/kg以 上則明 顯降低小鼠心肌耗氧量。
5 抗角膜移植排斥反應[13]
6 抗衰老﹐抗應激作用
7 抗菌﹐
8 仰制平滑肌之收縮。

9 抑制A羣鏈球菌作 用

Chemical ingredients:化 學成份﹕

Cordyceps polysaccharide 蟲草多 醣

Vitamin B12




cordycepic acid


Amino Acid group:


crude protein 27.52%


amino acid: lysine


aspartic acid







用量 ﹕

4.5 to 12 g per day.

每日4.5 ~ 12 克。

Samples of formulae:

配方 舉例﹕

  1. For weak old people with chronic bronchia inflammation: dong chong xia cao 10 g, kuan dong hua 6 g, sang bai pi 8 g, gan cao 3 g, xiao hui xiang 2 g, water 600 c.c.  Boil down to 200 c.c. Make into 3 servings per day.

  2. For weaknes and coughing blood: dong chong xia cao, sha shen, mai dong, sheng di huang. Boil with water and make into 3 serving. Take orally.

  3. Erectile dysfunction and spermatorrhea: dong chong xia cao, gou qi zi, shan zhu yu, huai shan yao. Boil with water. Make into 3 servings per day. Take orally.


  1. 老人體弱慢性 支 氣管炎﹕冬蟲夏草10克﹐款冬花6克﹐桑白皮8克﹐甘 草3克﹐小茴香2克 。水煎。每日分作三次服。

  2. 虛勞咳血:  冬蟲夏草﹐沙 參麥 冬生 地黃水 煎。每日分作三次服。

  3. 陽痿遺精﹕冬蟲夏草﹐枸 杞子山茱萸淮 山水 煎。每日分作三次服。

Modern Research:

現代研 究﹕

to be loaded



Large dosages and/or long term usage can be toxic to kidneys.


See the strict rules of Taiwan on selling Cordycep mycelium .



看關於蟲 草菌絲的台灣法律

  Note:  According to the classics materia medica,  "Ben Cao Bei Yao (Essentials of Materia Medica)", the best dong chong xia cao, are produced in Sichuan. Today, most of them are produced in Xizang (Tibet) and Qinghai. Because the sizes the larvae are larger, they fetch higher prices.

Warning: It is advisable to buy this herb from reputable, established herb stores. The editor has encounter little pebbles and roots that look like the herb, packed in middle of bundled herbs. Some adulterated herb may also contain metal wire inserted into the herb to increase the weight.

According to the industry, the active ingredients of Cordyceps mycelium, such as amino acids, polysaccharides, adenosine, nucleotides, fatty acids, and mannitol and trace elements, are mostly similar to the natural Cordyceps sinensis and its medical functions also have similarities with natural Cordyceps. But, natural Cordyceps can be easily and clearly observed and there still are counterfeits. The average consumer can not even distinguish the authenticity of Cordyceps mycelium. So be very careful when buying to avoid buying fake merchandise and affect your health

The Chinese Herb Committee chairman Yixin Lin of Department of Health of Taiwan said that health food industry is now popular with Cordycepts mycelium but it is produced without using insects; instead, they select a particular strain of Cordyceps mycelium and use soybean, cereals, amino acids and other nutrients and put into the fermenting troughs and produce the Cordycepts mycelium by controlling the temperature and humidity. Then the Cordyceps mycelium is dried and made into powder. So the food substance of Cordycepts mycelium can not be claimed for its therapeutic efficacy, and Cordyceps mycelium capsule is not a health food. If the industry mislead the public, the Department of Health will use the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to prosecute them for selling counterfeit medicine and penalize the offenders.

根據中醫古籍「本草備要」 記載, 產自四 川嘉定府的冬蟲夏草其品質最佳。目前市面上所賣的,多半是產自西藏﹐青海一帶 ,因其蟲體較大,價錢較為貴。一般作一 尾一尾 分開來賣。稱 為「散蟲」。

把冬蟲草八尾左右用紅繩捆成一小把 ,又 縛成一大把約 四兩重。稱 為「 把蟲」。有很多奸商把沙石與類似蟲類的植物混在其中以加 重其重 量。購買時把須小心。

台灣衛生署中醫 藥委員 會主委林宜信說,現在保健食品界風行的冬蟲夏草菌絲體並未使用到昆蟲,而是篩選 特定的 蟲草菌株,用大豆﹐穀物﹐氨基酸等營養劑,注入發酵槽中控制溫濕度,發酵 培養出冬蟲夏草菌絲體後,從中提取有效物質製成乾粉。所以製造冬蟲 夏草菌絲體的食品﹐食品業者不能宣稱療效,而冬蟲夏草菌絲體膠囊也不是健康食品,業者若誤導視 聽,衛生署將依藥事法,以賣偽藥﹐混用藥等相關法律處罰。

據業者說冬蟲夏草菌 絲 有效成分,如氨基酸類,多糖類 , 腺苷,核苷,脂肪酸,甘露醇 和微量元素等大多與天然蟲草相近。其藥理分析也與天然 冬蟲夏草有相似之處云 。天然的冬蟲夏草容易看得清楚也會有偽冒的假貨。一般消費 者更加不能分辨蟲 夏草菌絲的真偽。所以購買時須十分小心以免買到對健康不良的假貨。


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