| fu zi 附子; chuan wu 川烏;tian xiong 天雄 by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Click here to see picture of fu zi. 按此看圖。 Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名: | Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata | Biological name: 拉丁學名: | Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.(fu zi, chuan wu 附子﹐川烏) Typhonium giganteum Engl. (bai fu zi 白附子) Aconitum coreanum (Lėvl.) Raipaics ( 黃花烏頭(關白附) ) Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb. (草 烏 ) | Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音: | bushi | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音: | puja | Pron. in Cantonese: 粤語發音: | fu6 zi3 | Common Name: | aconite | Distribution: 分佈: | Sichuan, Shaanxi 四川,陕西。 | Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | acrid, hot, toxic 辛﹐熱﹐有毒。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | heart, kidney , spleen 心﹐腎﹐脾。 | Actions & Indications: 主治: | to restore yang, to improve fire, and to disperse cold。 Being used in: Sweating profusely with body temperature dropping; muscle spasm in cholera; instant sweating, afraid of cold in cases of yangxu (yang deficient); pain and cold in chest and abdomen, chronic diarrhea due to pixu (spleen deficient), chronic muscle or joint pain due to wind cold dampness, tightness and pain in joints and muscles; edema and coldness in the lower legs due to shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient). 大 汗 亡 陽 , 四 肢 厥 逆 ; 霍 亂 轉 筋 ; 陽 虛 畏 寒 自 汗 , 心 腹 冷 痛 ; 脾 虛久泄; 風 寒 濕 痺 , 拘 攣 疼 痛 ; 腎 陽 不 足 以致 腳 氣 ,水 腫 等 。 將附片用細砂炒炮,研細粉備用。凡遇身涼脈絕的垂危病人,急將附片粉5克開水沖服,與此同時另用復方煎劑回陽固脫,益氣救急,這是治療急証的有效方法 (《長江醫話》"附子煎藥方法談") 。 | Medical Function: 藥理﹕ | Medical Function: - sedative effect
- analgesic effect
- anti inflammatory effect
- anti cancer effect
- heart stimulating effect
藥理﹕ - 鎮痛
- 鎮靜
- 抗癌腫
- 抗炎
- 強心
| Chemical ingredients: | Chemical ingredients of fu zi: Hypaconitine, aconitine, mesaconitine, talatisamine, chuan-wu-base A, chuan-wu base B, carmichaeline, atisines, aminophenols, demethylcoclaurine, higenamine. | Dosage: 一般用量﹕ | 1.5 to 12 g per day. If using large dosage, boil this herb first before adding other herbs to lessen the toxicity.. 五分至三錢。如用大劑量,先煎可減低毒性。* | Samples of formulae: | For weakness with shenyangxu syndrome: jin gui shen qi wan For cardiac exhaustion: si ni tang 腎陽虛者用: 金櫃腎氣丸 心臟衰竭用: 四逆湯 | Modern Research: | to be loaded | Cautions: 注意﹕ | This is a very toxic herb, especially in raw form. When using large dosage, to lessen toxicity, soak herb in water till thoroughly wet and simmer herb in water for 4 to 6 hours. But, simmering the herb for long time also can reduce it cardiac stimulating effect. Do not use if the syndrome is not cold and weak. Ingesting it is fatal if the syndrome is re jue (very hot). Not to use in case of pregnancy. Not compatible with ban xia, gua lou, 附子有大毒。用大劑量時,可先將附子以水浸透﹐慢火煎4 ~ 6 小時﹐以減低毒性。但煎久後,也降低其强心作用。 凡非虛寒證﹐寒濕證者忌用(陰虛陽盛或假寒真熱﹐陰虛內熱者)熱厥入咽即斃﹐孕婦忌服。 反半 夏﹐瓜蔞﹐白蘞﹐白芨﹐貝母,畏犀角。 如以生品外用,皮膚潰破者忌用。 |
According to the preparation processes, the end products are: - yan fu zi, 鹽附片
- hei shun pian, 黑順片
- bai fu pian 白附片 (not bai fu zi).
Bai fu zi is from the root of Typhonium giganteum Engl. It is mainly being used in Bell's Palsy. It does not has the effect of increasing kidney yang in alleviating cold like chuan fu zi. Now, the name chuan wu and fu zi are being used interchangeably in most of the herb stores. Tian xiong (天雄) is fu zi or cao wu that are long and thin. It is also call bai mu (白幕). Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 川烏,與附子來自同一植物,性味功用均相近。現在藥房中已不分開。 天雄: 異名白幕。為附子或草烏頭之形長而細者。 根據炮制加工工藝不同﹐產品有﹕“鹽附子”﹐“黑顺片”和“白附片”三種。 白附子是另外一種植物。其學名為 Typhonium giganteum Engl. 。其性能祛風燥痰,偏用於頭面風痰之疾,如顏面神經麻痹口眼歪斜(吊線風)等。白附子無助腎陽的作用。其不同於 川附子。川附子能助腎陽﹐而有回陽逐寒作用。 按此看白附子篇。 手足厥逆: 又稱厥冷,是指四肢由於手足冷至肘,膝的症狀。一般冷至 手腕,足踝的稱手足厥冷;冷至肘,膝的手足厥逆。 熱厥症状:神昏惊悸,身熱氣粗,汗出如油,手足厥冷,脉洪大而数或脉伏; 寒厥症状:大汗淋漓,畏寒厥冷, 氣微神昧,面白唇青, 脉散大無倫,或沉细欲绝。 附子應用注意: *使用制附子小劑量(15-20克),不需先煎久煎,與它藥同煎3O分鐘即可,經過臨床應用,"未發現中毒現象,而且療效較好。" 當然大劑量使用時,仍以先煎久煎為好 (《中醫雜志》87年12期) 。 |