Chronic Sinus Inflammation 慢性鼻竇炎
Name of Formula: cang er san (ji sheng fang) Application: chronic rhinosinusitis Composition: cang er zi 9 g,bo he 6 g,xin yi hua15 g,bai zhi 9 g.
Make into powder. Take before meal with drinking water. Note: Zhong Hua Ben Cao: Large dosage is toxic. In mild cases, the clinical symptoms include: In mild toxicity: lack of strength, lack of energy, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, followed by dizziness, headache, sleepiness or restlessness and anxiety, tachycardia or bradycardia, low fever, sweating, flush cheeks with slightly jaundice around the nose and mouth, swollen liver. In serious cases: coma, spasm, shock, unable to urinate, bleeding heavily in the digestive tract, edema in lungs, ,eventually exhaustion of respiratory, circulatory systems and kidney function and death.
藥方名:蒼 耳散:(濟 生方) 主治:慢 性鼻竇炎 組成 ﹕蒼 耳子 9克, 研粉末,飯前配茶水服用。 注意: 蒼耳子有毒,劑量 過大可致 中毒,輕者表現為全身乏力,精神委靡,食欲不振,噁心﹐嘔吐﹐腹痛﹐腹瀉或便秘,繼則出現頭昏頭痛﹐嗜睡或煩躁不安﹐心率增快或減慢,低 熱出汗,兩頰潮紅而口鼻 周圍蒼黃或出現輕度黃疸,肝腫大。嚴重時可發生昏迷抽搐﹐休克﹐尿閉﹐胃腸道大量出血或出現肺水腫以致呼吸﹐循環或腎功能 衰竭而死亡。 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告
Last update: May 5, 2010; 8:30 a.m. LAH