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Cataract 白內障 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國譯 按此看中文
Formula1 Name of Formula: liu wei di huang wan Syndrome: Back pain, weakness in legs and knees, hair loss, loose teeth (gum problems), deafness, tinnitus, irregular menstruation in women, flushing face, fever, preferring cool, fidgeting with anxiety, dry cracked lips, scarlet tongue, or with yellow fur , and even dry and cracking, or with black pricks. shu di huang 18 g, shan zhu yu 12 g, dan pi 9 g, fu ling 12 g, ze xie 9 g, shan yao 12 g。 Rinse herb with water. Add 3 bowls (about 1200 cc) of water and simmer down to 90% of a bowl. Strain and use as tea while warm. Then add 2 1/2 bowls (about 1000 cc) of water to the herb and re-boil. Simmer down to 80% of a bowl. Strain and use as tea while warm. One package per day to be taken in two servings. The above quantity of herb can be adjusted according to syndrome.
Frequent urination: take out ze xie, add yi zhi ren 12 g、 fu pen zi 10 g. Formula 2 Name of Formula: tao ren si wu tang 《source: Yi Zong Jin Jian 》 with added ingredients. Cataract with blood stasis Prescription: tao ren 10 g, hong hua 10 g, chi shao 10 g, bai shao 10 g, dan shen 10 g, gou qi zi 10 g, ju hua Add water to make into concoction. One prescription a day. Make into 3 servings. Total patients: 200 person with 381 diseased eyes. Newly required cataracts: 127. Not yet ripened: 73. Problems in the cortex 240. Problems in the core: 141. Total effectiveness: 98.4%. The weight of the herbs must be adjusted according to diagnostics..
Formula 3 Take 3 times a day. 9 g each time. Formula 4 yi mu san (Eye beneficial powder) (Jilin Chinese Herb Manual) Application: blurry vision, cataract Composition:sha yuan zi10 g, chong wei zi10 g, qing xiang zi Take 9 g each time, 2 times per day.
Acute cataract: see lu jiao san In Chinese:
白內 障
六味地黄丸加味 湯劑《 方源:小兒藥証直覺訣 》 主治:治白内障,肝腎陰虚。 處方﹕ 熟地黃 18克﹐ 山茱萸 12克﹐丹皮 4.5 克﹐ 茯苓 4.5 克﹐ 澤瀉 4.5克﹐山藥12克, 制何首烏12克,枸杞子12克,覆盆子15克。 第一次煎﹕水三碗。煎九分。溫服。 藥渣再煎﹕水兩碗半。煎八分。溫服。 以上藥量必須辨証加減。
加減﹕ 2。 腰痠背痛:加 牛 膝 12 克,、 杜 仲 15 克, 桑寄生12 克。 4。 小便频数:去掉澤瀉、加益智 仁 12 克、 覆盆子 10 克。 注意﹕
白 內 障 方二 桃仁四物湯加味 桃 仁
白 內 障 方 三 熟地黃 240 克﹐山 藥120 克﹐山茱 萸120 克﹐ 澤瀉 90 克﹐茯 苓90 克﹐丹 皮 90 克﹐桂 枝30 克﹐ 附 子30 克, 澱粉 40克 。 研 成 細 末 , 制 丸 。 每 天 服 三 次 。 每 次 9 克 。
白內障 方四 益目散 《吉林中草藥》 功效:清熱,明目。 主治:目昏,白內障。 組成:沙苑子10克,茺蔚子10克,
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