| | cao guo 草果﹔ (bai dou kou 白豆蔻 (草豆蔻)) (in English and Chinese 中英文) By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Click here to see just English page.Click here to see picture of herb. Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名: | Fructus Amomi Tsao-ko | Biological name: 拉丁學名: | Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lem. (cao guo 草果) Amomum cardamomum Linn.(bai dou kou 白豆蔻);[1] Amomum costatum Roxb.(dou kou 豆蔻)[1] Amomum kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep ; Amomum compacturn Soland et Maton (Indonesian bai dou kou) | Japanese Pronunciation: 日語發音: | soka | Korean Pronunciation: 韓語發音: | chogwa | Pron. in Cantonese 粤語發音: | cou2 gwo2; | Other Names: | bai dou kou 白豆蔻﹐cao dou kou 草豆叩﹐cao kou ren草蔻仁﹐草叩仁﹐cao kou 草蔻。 | Common Name: 英文普通名: | cardamom | Distribution: 分佈: | Vietnam, Yunan, Guizhou,Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, 越南﹐ 云南﹐貴州﹐ 廣東﹐廣西﹐台灣。 | Properties (characteristics) 性味: | acrid, warm, aromic 味辛,性溫。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經: | spleen, stomach 入脾﹐胃二經。 | Actions & Indications: 藥物配伍: | stomach pain, flatulence, belching, indigestion due to stomach qi stagnation , vomiting, malarial disorders, drunkenness from alcohol consumption. 胃痛,脘腹脹滿,噫氣,氣滯 宿食消化不良,嘔吐,及胃呃逆,酒醉不醒,瘧疾寒熱。 | Samples of Combinations: | with zhi mu for malaria with chang shan to improve inhibiting malaria with sha ren improves digestive function and spleen yang and rid of dampness. with hou po improves digestion and rid of dampness. with bai dou kou improves getting rid of dampness, warms stomach and getting rid of cold, relieves pain, and stops vomiting.
配知母,具有調寒熱,和表里之功,善治瘧証。 配常山,可加強截瘧之藥力,免除常山涌吐之弊。 配砂仁,增強化濕濁,溫脾陽,和胃的功效。 配厚朴,化濕濁,健脾胃,行氣和胃氣。 配白豆蔻,二藥相使配對,各取所長,具有較強的化濕醒脾,暖胃散寒,行氣止痛,調中止嘔作用。
(節錄自中醫在線) | Dosage: | 1.5 to 6 g | Medical Functions: 藥理: | Medical Functions of cao guo: a-pinene and β-pinene expells phlegm and inhibits cough. 1,8-Cineole can have calming, pain relieving and asthma inhibiting effects β-pinenean has strong anttibiotic and anti-inflammation effects; geraniol has strong antibiotic and antifungal effects small amount of cao guo can stimulate intestine but large amount inhibits it. when taken orally geraniol inhibited the activities of the digestive tract of rats. Small amount mildly promotes urination. rids of round worms of guinea pigs. The ethanol induced hepatotoxic effect on white rats can be counteracted by clove (ding xiang) and cardamon feeding but the effect of clove is stronger. [2]
鎮咳祛痰作用:本品所含的 a--蒎烯(a-pinene)和β-蒎烯(β-pinene)有鎮咳祛痰作用。1,8-桉油素 (1,8-Cineole)有鎮痛﹐解熱﹐平喘等作用。抗炎﹐抗菌作用: B-蒎烯有較強的抗炎作用,并有抗真菌作用。香葉醇 (geraniol ) 有抗細菌和真菌作用,對發須癬菌和奧杜安氏小孢子菌的最低抑菌濃度為0.39mg/ml。 (4).. 小劑量對腸管有興奮作用,大劑量則有抑制作用。其它作用:小劑量香葉醇能抑制大鼠的自發活動。大鼠口服香葉醇能抑制胃腸運動,小量口服有輕度利尿作用。5. 香葉醇還有驅豚鼠蛔虫作用。 乙醇引起的大白鼠肝毒性作用,可以餵以丁香(丁香)和草果抵消;但丁香的效果更強。 [2] | Chemical Ingredients: | Essential oil: fruit contains 1.6%; seeds contains 2.2%; skin contains0.38%. The essential oil contains 33.94%of 1,8-cineole, 11.78% of trans-2-undecenal. Also contains α--pinene, β-pinene, camphor, Linalool, p-cymene, nonanal, decanal, a--terpineol, neral-a,-b, geraniol, nerolidol and geranial. 種子含揮發油等。果實精油得率為1.6%,其中種子含油2.2%,果皮僅0.38%。草果精油除主含1,8-桉油精(1,8-cineole) 33.94%外,另含反-2-十一烯醛(trans-2-undecenal)占11.78%,該純品具有常有的濃郁的草果辛香味,是除1,8-桉油精之外的另一主香成分。尚有α-蒎烯 (α--pinene)和β-蒎烯 (β-pinene)﹐對-聚傘花烴 (p-cymene)﹐壬醛﹐(Nonanal), 癸醛 (Decanal)﹐芳樟醇 (Linalool.)﹐樟腦﹐α-松油醇(-terpineol)﹐橙花醛-a,-b(neral- a,-b)﹐香葉醇(geraniol)﹐划果酮和橙花叔醇(nerolidol)。此外,還有香葉醛 (geranial)。 | Modern Research: | | Cautions: 禁忌: | Do not use in cases of qixu, Blood deficient qixu (qi deficiency) and fire is high in lung and stomach with no cold dampness . (more to be uploaded). 肺胃火盛及氣虛或血 虛,無寒濕實邪者禁用。 1.《本草蒙筌》:大耗元陽,老弱虛贏,切宜戒之。 2.《本草經疏》: 凡瘧不由於瘴氣;心痛胃脘痛由於火而不由於寒;濕熱瘀滯,暑氣外侵而成滯下亦白﹐裡急後 重及泄瀉暴注﹐口渴;濕熱侵脾因作脹滿或小水不利,咸屬暑氣濕熱,皆不當用。 3.《本草備要》:忌鐵。 | Toxicity: 毒理學: | Roasting the herb cut down the side effects. Half of the laboratory rat fed geraniol died. The lethal dosage is 4.9g/kg. For rabbits, the lethal injection dosage was 50mg/kg. Cao guo which are processed by smoking can be carcinogens when taken for a long period.
炒過的草果之副作用較小。 大鼠口服香葉醇的半數致死量 為 4.8g/kg,兔靜脈注射為50mg/kg。 長期服用以煙熏處理之草果可能致癌。
[1] Botanical Dictionary, by Shang Wu Publishing Co. 1918 。 商務出版植物大詞典 [2] ISSN: 1687-5788 Note: rou dou kou is another herb. It belongs to Myristicaceae. Stomach qi stagnation: usually because of pixu (spleen deficiency) which causes weak digestion. 關於有毒草果 按這裡有關肉豆蔻與草豆蔻的﹕中文網站 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 |