| ban mao 斑蝥 Edited by: Joe Hing kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Mylabris phalerata | Zoological name: 學名﹕ | Mylabris phalerata Pallas ( 南方大斑蝥 ) Mylabris cichori Linnaeus 眼斑芫青 ( 黃黑小斑蝥 ) | Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | hanmyo | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | panhae | Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ | baan1 maau4 | Other Names: 別名﹕ | ban mao 斑貓, ban mao 斑 毛, hua ke chong 花殼蟲( 貴州), lao hu ban mao 老虎斑毛( 江蘇), ban miao 斑苗( 湖南), Spanish Flies 西班牙蒼蠅. | Common Name: 英文名﹕ | Chinese blistering beetle, Spanish fly | Distribution: 產地﹕ | Most part of China, mainly in Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanxi, Shandong, Hubei; also in Taiwan, Fujian, 中國大部份地區,以江蘇、安徽、山西、山東、湖北為主 . 廣東、台灣、福建等省也有 . | Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | acrid, cold, very toxic. 辛、寒、有大毒, | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | liver, kidney, stomach, large intestine, small intestine. 肝﹐腎﹐胃﹐ 大腸﹐ 小腸。 | Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | 1. Anti-tumor 2. Anti-virus 3. anti-inflammatory 4. anti-fungus 5. improves white cell count 6. it can inhibit the liver damage caused by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and the increase of ALT. 7. inhibits immune system 8. enhances androgens 9. creates blisters 1、抗腫瘤作用:斑蝥提取特在體內能抑制人食管癌、贲門癌、胃癌 、肺癌及脾肉瘤细胞 的代謝。 2、抗病毒作用。 3、抗炎作用。 4、抗 真菌作用。 5、升高白细胞作用。 6、能對抗四氯化碳所致肝損傷和丙胺酸轉胺酵素(ALT) 的升高。 7、免疫抑制作用。 8、促雄性激素作用。 9、發泡作用。 | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | for cancer, skin fungus infection, cancer of the lymphatic system, boils cannot ripen, dead tissues 破血消腫, 攻毒蝕 瘡, 發皰冷炙.用於癥瘕癌腫、 積年頑癬、瘰瀝、贅疣、癰疽不潰、惡瘡死肌. | Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | 0.06 ~ 1.825% of canthavidin 斑蝥素, hydroxycanthavidin, (P) 23.785 mg/g, (Mg) 7, 114 mg/g, (Ca) 1.691 mg/g., fat and odorous substance. | Dosage: 用量﹕ | 0.03~0.06g | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | | Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | | Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | About a little more than 20 minutes after ingesting ban mao, the toxicity shows. The symptoms include burning sensation in the throat and mouth, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen area, frequent urination, burning sensation in the urinary tract, difficulty in urination, blood in urine, protein in urine. In serious cases, there can be a lack of urine, inability to urinate, elevated BUN and creatinine, exhaustion of kidney function. Not to use in cases of pregnancy. 口服斑蝥中毒者經潜伏期十餘分鐘至數小時後出现口咽燒灼、頭昏、惡心、嘔吐、腹痛、尿频、尿道灼痛 、排尿困難,發生血尿、蛋白尿,嚴重者尿少、尿閉,尿素氮和肌酐增高,導致腎臟能衰竭。 接觸斑蝥中毒者皮膚或粘膜灼痛、充血、水疱,口腔糜爛、 潰瘍,久者皮膚壞死。 孕婦忌用。 | Antidote: 急救﹕ | The following methods have been published but not necessary proven effective: - In the early stages of a toxic reaction, use lavage ( pump the stomach) to rid the body of the toxins. Afterwards, drink milk and/or liquid egg white to protect the mucus of the stomach or takes 10 ml of 10% aluminum hydroxide jell every half hour.
- If there is no abdominal pain or diarrhea, drink a mixture of 50% magnesium sulfate cautiously, until diarrhea is induced to rid the body of excess toxins.
- the toxic reaction can be lessened by taking activated charcoal or the salt type of laxative to lessen the absorption of the toxin.
- The electrolyte balance can be maintained by supplementing the liquid the person is ingesting.
- Penicillin can be injected into the muscle to prevent infection.
- Symptoms can be addressed as they appear. If there is bleeding in the upper digestive tract, arrest the bleeding. If the bleeding is heavy, a blood infusion may be necessary. In case of uremia, use hemodialysis. In case of peripheral circulation exhaustion, supplement the blood and use blood vessel expansion medication.
- the toxin of ban mao (canthavidin) is fat soluble. During the treatment period do not ingest fat or oil to prevent quickening the toxin absobtion.
- folk therapy includes using lu dou (mung bean), gan cao, hei dou (black bean), and green onion with tea leaves to make into water decoction. It may have the effect of detoxification and arresting bleeding.
- skin contact suffering: use 1% of gentian violet for external application.
下 列 是 一 般 文 獻 上 建 議 的 解 毒 方 法 , 不 一 定 經 過 確 實 的 臨 床 驗 証 . - 中毒早期立即洗胃, 跟著服牛乳、 雞蛋清 以保護胃黏膜, 或口服10% 氫氧化鋁凝膠 10ml, 半小時一次 .
- 無腹痛﹐ 腹瀉者可慎重予以50%硫酸镁缓和導瀉,以利排泄残存在胃腸道的毒物。
- 內服活性炭或鹽類瀉劑, 減輕毒素吸收 .
- 補充液體, 維持水和電解質平衡 .
- 青黴素肌內注射, 以預防感染 .
- 對症處理. 如上消化道出血, 應予止血, 嚴重者輸血; 尿毒症者給予血液透析; 出現周邊循環衰竭, 須及時補充血容量並 應用血管活性藥物 .
- 斑蝥毒素是脂溶性物質, 治療期間忌食油和 脂肪, 以免加速毒素的吸收.
- 民間用綠豆、黃連、甘草、黑豆及蔥、茶葉煎 服 , 有一定解毒和止血作用 .
- 皮膚接觸者﹐可用1%龍膽紫外 敷。
解救方法參考﹕ 楊行義 ﹔日 期 : 2001-12-17 14:40:19
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