NIH COPY (Copy submitted by Joe Hing Kwok Chu to National Institute of Health for research grant application.)
A STUDY OF TREATING ASTHMA WITH WAI QI AND QIGONG TRAINING BY AFFECTING ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONE, cAMP AND cGMP Study and written by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of qigong therapy on asthma, compared to the conventional westernmethods and traditional Chinese medical methods.Twenty-one patients who had been suffering from asthma for at least five years participated in this study. Fourteen were male and seven were female. They were interviewed in detail about their eating habits, living and working environments, family backgrounds, emotional issues, and physical complaints. They were then advised to avoid factors that trigger asthma.The subjects were divided into three categories according to diagnostic methods used in qigong: (1) shen yang xu group (2) shen yin xu group (3) shen yin and yang xi group According to different body types, different qigong programs were prescribed and appropriate wai qi(1) SUBJECTS SELECTED FOR STUDY Twenty-one patients, who had been suffering from asthma for at least five years, participated in this study. They were interviewed in detail about their eating habits, living and working environments, family backgrounds, emotional issues, and physical complaints. They were then advised to avoid factors that trigger asthma. After three weeks of qigong training and wai qi therapy, all of them experienced a significant decrease in symptoms of asthma. QIGONG consists of two Chinese characters: "qi" and "gong". Qi, a Chinese word pronounced as "chee", when used in qigong, means "signal that controls the function of the body" . Gong means training with time and effort. Qigong is a term which refers to training and maintaining the qi, to improve the various functions of the body. WHAT IS WAI QI? Wai qi means the qi projected by a qigong master to a patient. Wai qi can be projected from any acupoint to any acupoint or meridian of the recipient. DEFINITION OF ASTHMA [1] Clinically, asthma is a disorder characterized by intermittent symptoms that include wheezing, coughing, restriction of the air passageways, shortening of breath and hypersensitivity of the bronchi. Pathologically there is no clear definition of asthma. METHODS OF THERAPY The patients were divided into three categories according to diagnostic methods used in qigong: (1) shen yang xu group, (2) shen yin xu group, and (3) shen yin & yang xu groups. According to different body types, different qigong programs were prescribed and different appropriate types of wai qi (projected qi from therapist) were applied. Tests on adrenocortical hormone were done, before and after therapy, through 17-KS/24 hour urine samples. UNDERSTANDING OF ASTHMA BY QIGONG AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE In traditional Chinese medicine, and in qigong theory, asthma is deemed to have both primary and secondary causes: 1. Primary causes: shen xu and pi xu(2) that can be caused by prenatal insufficiencies (weakness), and 2. Secondary causes: cold, stress, physical exertions, menstrual periods, incorrect eating habits, food allergies, irritants in the air, e.g., pollens, animal dander, dust, etc. Many asthma sufferers who are born with a pattern of Shen Yang Xu have low thyroid activity, low epinephrine and norepinephrine activity, and low production of adrenocortical hormone. They also have poor capillary circulation accompanied by low cardiac output. Asthma sufferers, who are Shen Yin Xu, have higher sympathetic nervous activity that causes over activity of the heart and over constriction of blood vessels. shenxu, primary cause of asthma, are divided into: (a) shen yin xu (b) shen yang xu (c) shen yin xu with shen yang xu From modern point of view: Shen Yin Xu patients can have
Shen Yang Xu patients can have
Shen Yin & Shen Yang Both Xu patients can have
pi xu patients can have
OBSERVATIONS cAMP and cGMP are second messengers. Together they assist the functioning of norepinephrine, epinephrine and the production of adrenocortical hormone. These hormones play an important role in the blood circulation that in turn affects the distribution of oxygen in the body. Incorrect levels of cAMP and cGMP of Shen Xu sufferers affect the activities of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and adrenocortical hormone. Adrenocortical hormone insufficiency causes poor capillary circulation and lowers the ability of the body to combat inflammation. Anaerobic metabolism elevates the levels of the histamine production. High levels of histamine cause the bronchi to constrict and cause local blood vessels to dilate. The over-dilation of the blood vessels causes excessive seepage of fluid from the blood vessels which leads to inflammation of the bronchi and sinus area. When this happens, the airflow into the lungs becomes restricted, thus inducing the body to produce more histamine. This can become a vicious cycle and produces severe symptoms of asthma. CONCLUSION Correct qigong training and accurate wai qi application can help to achieve yin-yang equilibrium, which balances the second messengers cAMP and cGMP, which help regulate the balance of hormones, and help balance the autonomic nervous system, and enhance circulation, thus improving the oxygen distribution and relaxing the bronchi, thus solving the problem of asthma. Conventional hormone therapy in asthma using prednisone, hydrocortisone or adreno-corticotropic hormone causes excessive water retention and full moon face. Long term side effects include atrophy of the adrenal glands, atrophy of the thymus, risk of osteoporosis, yeast infections and memory impairment possibly caused by the atrophy of the hippocampal dendrites. The practice of using steroid treatents on shen yin xu asthma sufferers is questionable because they usually do not show insufficiency of adrenocortical hormone. The incriminate uses of drugs that enhance cAMP on shen yin xu patients can also cause over active sympathetic nervous system which might lead to heart and blood vessel problems. METHODS USED IN THERAPY 1. Qigong practice Fang song gong[4] was used by all 3 groups. Qi Xia Yong Quan Gong[5] was used primarily by the Shen Yin Xu Group. Fan Zhou Tian Gong[6] and Ji San Gong was used primarily by the Shen Yang Xu Group. Shen Yin & Yang Both Xu group was monitored closely and prescribed Fang Song Gong, or Fan Zhou Tian Gong, or Qi Xia Yong Quan Gong and other qigong methods as required. Adjustments of training methods were made for Spleen Xu, Heart Qi Xu, and Liver Yang hyperactivities. (physical conditions classified by methods commonly used in qi gong). 2. Wai qi[7] (projected qi from therapist) application Wai qi was being applied according to the conditions of patients. Bu[8] (enhancing qi) methods were usually used in cases of shen yang xu. During asthma attacks, xie[9] (purging qi) methods and bu methods were used. Adjustments of wai qi application were also made for Pi Xu[10], Xin Qi Xu[10], and Gan Yang Hyperactivities[10].
RESULTS OF 24 HOUR URINE SAMPLE TESTS AFTER 3 WEEKS OF THERAPY ======================================= 17-KS in mg/24 hour urine samples Shen Yin Xu
SIGNIFICANCE: little statistical significance Click on thumb nail to view Chart: =========================================== 17-KS in mg/24 hour urine samples Shen Yang Xu Sufferers
SIGNIFICANCE: P<0.01 Click on thumb nail to view Chart:
======================================= 17-KS in mg/24 hour urine samples Shen Yin & Yang Xu Sufferers
Significance: Little statistical significance Click on thumb nail to view Chart:
SIGNIFICANCE OF ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONE EVALUATION OF 17-KS TESTS Conventionally steroids are being used in asthma therapy. Different methods can used for testing the levels of adrenocortical hormone of the patients: 1. Blood test 2. Water tolerance test 3. 24 hour urine test Ten percent of the cortisol decomposes into 17-KS. Almost all of the androgen produced by the adrenal cortex decomposes into 17-KS. 17-KS in the urine is composed of fifty percent androsterone. Testosterone produced by the testes is also decomposed into 17-KS and is secreted by urine and is composed of one third of the total amount of 17-KS. 17-KS in the urine represents the sum of glucocorticoid and sex hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex, and sex hormone secreted by the testes. It does not accurately represent the function of the adrenal cortex. Qigong analytical methods are essential part of diagnostics. Notes: 1. Wai qi and qigong are defined on page 2. 2. People can be born into these patterns. 3. Thyrotropin releasing hormone. This test evaluates the ability of injected synthetic TRH to directly stimulate the pituitary to release TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and prolactin. 4. The biological rhythm of 11-OHCS (11-HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROID) of normal people, when under no external stimulation, is highest at 8 a.m.. The 24 hour curves show W, V or U shape. The curves of shen yang xu patients show M or inverted V shape. 5. Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) test shows the conglomeration of phagocytes or monocytes to indicate the function of immune system. Prev. update: Nov 12, 2006, 3:17 p.m. RC Last update: Oct 27, 2012: 9 p. LAH
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