Complementary and Alternative Healing University |
| feng han shi bi (wind cold damp type of arthritis) 風寒濕痹 by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu (in English and Chinese 中英文) Causes: yangxu (yang deficient) condition and with prolonged exposure to coldness and dampness Syndrome: painful and swollen joints, pain in the same location, stiffness in the morning, difficulty in bending and extending, more painful in cold environment, dislike cold environment, white tongue with thin fur, tight or deep and tight pulse reading. The wind cold damp type of arthritis differs from the heat type of arthritis that: In wind cold damp type of arthritis although the joints can be swollen and painful but it does not have the localized red and swollen and hot inflammation. In heat type of arthritis, the characteristic is that the affected joints are red, swollen and hot. 寒濕痹痛 寒濕痹阻證病因:陽虛;寒濕內侵。 症狀:關節腫脹疼痛,痛有定處,晨僵,屈伸不利,遇寒則痛劇,畏寒怕冷,舌淡苔薄白,脈緊或沉緊。
風寒濕痺則雖關節疼痛,但無局部紅腫灼熱。 熱痺以關節紅腫灼熱疼痛為特點 其中又以關節酸痛,游走不定者為行痺;痛有定處,疼痛劇烈者為痛痺;肢體酸痛重著,肌膚不仁者為著痺。
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