Present Day Applications: 現代 應用﹕ | There are reports that body builders are using this herb to improve result through increasing testosterone. This herb may increase the luteinizing hormone which helps the development of the corpus luteum in the female and the production of testosterone by the interstitial cells of the testis in male. See Caution. |
Common Name: 外文名﹕ | Puncturevine caltrop fruit, nettle fruit, puncture vine fruit, cathead fruit , yellow vine fruit, goathead fruit, and burra gokharu (Indian name). |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Effective for soothing the liver to rid of depressed mood, invigorating blood to rid of pain, improving vision, stopping itchiness. Being used in treatment of: achy loin due to deficiency, spermatorrhea, leukorrhea, headache, dizziness, pink eyes with tears, keratitis, cloudiness in cornea, chronic bronchitis with coughing, milk not flowing, itchiness, rash, bulging sensatiion in the rib cage, vitiligo, etc Today, clinical applications include: Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina, hypertension, ischemic cerebrovascular disease, Infertility, impotence, eye diseases, boils, swelling, tooth sensitivity, various skin diseases. 功效:有平肝解鬱,活血袪風,明目止癢之效。 治:虛勞腰痛 , 遺精帶下 , 頭痛 ,眩暈, 目赤多淚 , 角膜炎,角膜雲翳, 咳逆肺痿 , 癥結積聚 , 乳閉不通 , 皮膚瘙癢 , 風疹 , 胸脇脹悶,白癜風 。 臨床用於治療動脈粥樣硬化,冠心病,心絞痛,高血壓,缺血性腦血管病, 不孕証,陽痿,眼疾,癤腫,牙齒過敏,各種皮膚病。 |
Cautions: 禁忌﹕ | use care in cases of blood deficient and/or qixu (qi deficient) and in cases of pregnancies. Toxic re-actions: 1. overdose can cause toxic reaction: lack of energy, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitation, rapid respiration, skin purpura. In serious cases it can cause lung edema, and respiration exhaustion. It can also cause high iron content in red cells and result in asphyxiate. 2. There are allergic reaction of skin itchiness, rash and erythema after consuming the herb. 血虛, 氣虛及 孕婦慎服。 1.用量過大:用量 過大 會引起中毒反應,出現乏力﹐頭昏﹐噁心﹐嘔吐﹐心悸﹐氣急﹐皮膚青紫﹐嚴重者出現肺 水腫﹐呼吸衰竭。 亦可產生高鐵血紅蛋白而引起窒息。2.過敏反應:有報道服用白蒺藤後,出現皮膚瘙癢﹐丘疹﹐紅斑。 |