Stroke Sequela. Acupuncture Therapy 中風後遺症針法 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Hemiplegia, numbness of muscles and skin, drooping mouth and eye, slurred speech, atrophy, weakness and apraxia of the hand and foot. Body acupuncture Prescription: bai hui (Du 20), feng fu (du 16), and tian chuang (SI 16). Supplementary points: For paralysis of the upper limbs: add jian yu (LI 15), qu chi (LI 11), wai guan (SJ 5), and he gu(LI4). For paralysis of the lower limbs: add huan tiao (G 30), yang ling quan (G34), zu san li (S36), and xuan zhong (G39). For drooping mouth and eye: di cang (S4) and jia che (S6). Method: Use the filiform needles with even movements. Apply on the healthy side then on the affected side.
Internal herb therapy: see
中風後遺症偏癱,肌肉和皮膚麻木,嘴和眼睛下垂,言語不清,,手和腳萎縮無力和失用。 體針 處方:百會,風府,天窗。 加配穴: 上肢癱瘓:加 肩髃Li15,曲池Li11,外關SJ5, 針法:用細針,平穩刺法。先刺健側,然後刺病側。 內服藥物治療法:看 補陽還五湯 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告
Last update: April 3, 2012; 11:23 p.m. LAH