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Treatment of chronic renal failure with Chinese herb and with Inosine

Translated and edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu    按此看中文原文網頁

Study by: Wang Qia Hui, Liu Cai Hong, First People Hospital, Henan Science Technology University, Pin Ting Shan City, Henan province.

During 1990 to 2001, the authors noted above treated 94 patients diagnosed with  chronic renal failure.

The results of the treatments using a combination of  inosine intravenously and wen pi tang orally to lower their BUN and Scr (serum creatinine) were satisfactory.

1. Clinical information

1.1 Selection of patients for the study

The 94 patients were all inpatients of their hospital. Among them were 62 males and 32 female, ages 23 to 62. According to the 5th edition of the medical training book "Internal Medicine" (內 科學), patients were diagnosed with these specific conditions: 66 patients had chronic nephritis, 16 had pyelonephritis, 8 had kidney arteriolar sclerosis, and 4 were experiencing decreased kidney function due to diabetes. All patients experienced nausea, lack of appetite, limb fullness, tiredness and lack of energy, lower limb edema with resulting lack of urine, pale tongue with thin white fur, and deep and weak pulse.  The TCM diagnosis isshenyangxu (kidney yang deficient) with pixu (spleen deficient) .

1.2 Group divisions:

The patients were divided into 3 groups:

  1. Modern (Western) & traditional Chinese medicine combination group

  2. Traditional Chinese medicine group

  3. Modern (Western) medicine group

There was no statistical significance in the groups' differences in ages, sexes, Bun and Scr.

Table I   Comparison of the 3 Groups




male: female

BUN average value
( mmo1)

Scr average value
(μ mo1/L)

Modern (Western) & TCM combination group



11 : 6



Traditional Chinese medicine group



10 : 4



Modern (Western) medicine group



10 : 6



2. Therapy Methods:

  • Modern (Western) medicine group: 1 g of Inosine with 10% of GS 250 to 500 ml IV application once a day for 30 days.

  • Traditional Chinese medicine group: Wen pi tang. When edema was serious, 10 grams bai mao gen was taken orally for 30 days.

  • Combined therapy group: Intravenous application of Inosine and wen pi tang taken orally, for 30 days.

3. Results:

The value of each patient's BUN and Scr was measured before and after treatment.

When BUN lowered by ≧0.3 6µmol/L and at the same time the Scr lowered by ≧70µmol/L, then it was deemed effective. If one of the values did not reach the designated value, it was deemed ineffective. The results were as follows:

Table II  The Comparison of the Result of different Therapies




not effective

effectiveness( %)

Modern (Western) & TCM combination group




Traditional Chinese medicine group





Modern (Western) medicine group





 *P < 0.05

Note by Editor:

Common Reference Ranges of Scr (serum creatinine):

Male Adults: 62 -133 µmol/L  (0.7 - 1.5 mg/dL). Female Adult:  44 to 97 µmol/L (0.5-1.1 mg/dl)

BUN (Blood urine nitrogen):

Adults:    3 - 6.5 µmol/L (or 8-18 mg/dL)

BUN (Blood urine nitrogen) test Urea is the metabolite of protein consumed. If the  kidneys are not able to remove urea from the blood normally, the BUN (blood urine nitrogen) level increases. This means that the kidneys are not functioning properly.


Factor that can increase BUN level:

  • Heart failure

  • Dehydration

  • High protein diet

Factors that can decrease BUN level:

  • Liver disease or damage (urea is made in the liver)

  • Second or third trimester pregnancy

Drugs that can increase BUN measurements include:

Allopurinol, Aminoglycosides, Amphotericin B, Bacitracin, Carbamazepine, Cephalosporins, Chloral hydrate, Cisplatin, Colistin, Furosemide, Gentamicin, Guanethidine, High-dose aspirin, Indomethacin, Methicillin, Methotrexate, Methyldopa, Neomycin, Penicillamine, Polymyxin B, Probenecid, Propranolol, Rifampin, Spironolactone, Tetracyclines, Thiazide diuretics, Triamterene, Vancomycin,


Drugs that can decrease BUN, measurements include:

Chloramphenicol, Streptomycin.

See chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with chronic kidney failure.

See enema treatment for chronic kidney failure.

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