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Threatened Abortion 先兆流產

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu     按此看中文

A threatened abortion is a condition of pregnancy, occurring before the 20th week of gestation, that suggests potential of miscarriage. Approximately 20% of pregnant women experience some vaginal bleeding, with or without abdominal cramping, during the first trimester. This is known as a threatened abortion. However, most of these pregnancies go on to term with or without treatment. Spontaneous abortion occurs in less than 30% of the women who experience vaginal bleeding. [1]

Name of Formula: gu shen an tai yin


huang qi 13 g,  dang shen 13 g,    ai ye tan 3 g,   tu si zi 9 g,  gan cao  5.5 g,  sheng di huang 13 g,  chuan duan 9 g,   zhu ma gen 11 g,  du zhong 9 g, e jiao 9 g(to be added to the strained decoction), sang ji sheng 9 g, dang gui 9 g, bai shao 9 g.

Boil all the herb, except e jiao, with about 1200 c.c. of water. Simmer for 45 minutes and render down to about 320 c.c. (a serving size) .

Note: e jiao should be put into warm cup and pour the boiling decoction into the cup. Stir to dissolve the e jiao. Cover the cup for 10 minutes before drinking.

Adjustment of Formula:

確定懷孕後,陰道有少量出血,或伴有腰酸、腹脹墜痛者,即可診斷先兆流產。多數發生在妊娠二十周內。如果妊娠試驗 由陽性轉為陰性, 說明已經流產。


黄芪 13 克,  黨参 13 克,    艾葉炭 3 克,   菟絲子 9克,  甘 草  5.5 克,  生地黄 12 克,  川 断 9 克,   苧麻根 12 克,  杜仲 9 克, 阿膠 9 克 (另包,冲服), 桑寄生 9 克, 當歸 9 克, 白芍 9 克.



陰虛血熱者去 艾葉炭, 加 旱莲草
如有外傷誘因加砂 仁 3


Below will be translated. If you need it in a hurry see Research Librarian.

中文電子 期刊服務
安徽中醫學院學報>26卷3期  (2007/06); 11-13 頁。




目的:觀察固腎 安胎飲配合西藥治療早期先兆流產腎虛的療效。方法: 將確診為早期妊娠已出現陰道出血的54例先兆流產患者隨機分為治療組30例和對照組24例,兩組均在監測血清絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)和孕酮(P)水平 的情況下,治療組給予固腎安胎飲配合西藥治療,對照組採用單純西藥治療,對比觀察臨床療效。結果:治療組愈顯率為83.3%,對照組愈顯率為54.1%。 兩組比較,差異有顯著性(P<0.05)。HCG、P值低於正常孕期的,治療組10例流產率為10%,對照組9例流產率為55.6%。兩組比較,差異有顯 著性 (P<0.05)。治療後 HCG、P上升與同孕期相符的,治療組明顯高於對照組(P<0.05)。 結論:固腎安胎飲配合西藥治療對於提高早期先 兆流產血清HCG、P水平及臨床愈顯率均優於單純西藥治療。


絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin:  brands include A.P.L.®, Chorex®, Novarel®, Ovidrel®, Pregnyl®, Profasi®).

孕酮 progesterone :

  1. A steroid hormone, C21H30O2, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands.
  2. A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used in the prevention of miscarriage, in the treatment of menstrual disorders, and as a constituent of some oral contraceptives.  *


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A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading              in progress

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