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shi quan da bu tang 十全大補湯

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu      按此看中文

Name of formula: shi quan da bu tang (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ju Ji Fang)

Application: general tonic, anti oxidant, anti cancer. Being used in: cold body due to qi and blood deficient, cold hand and feet due to yangxu (yang deficient), fatigue and weak after chronic illness or serious illness , chronic cough or symptoms of anemia, bleeding, cancer,  hemorrhoid, bone tuberculosis, lymphoma, leukemia, spermatorrhia, leukorrhea, freeze burns, cancer of the uterus, amenorrhea, breast cancer, beriberi after giving birth, polio, eyesight weakening, skin problem, fright, headache, weakening thinking ability, weak and stiff limbs, cold hands and feets (up to the elbows and knees), lack of appetite, vomiting.


dang shen 3 qian,  bai zhu 3 qian, fu ling 4 qian,   zhi gan cao 1 qian, shu di huang 5 qian,

dang gui 4 qian,  bai shao 4 qian, chuan xiong 1 qian, rou gui 1 qian,  huang qi 4 qian.

Boil with water and use as tea.


1 qian = 3.75 grams (classical weight used by overseas Chinese)

This formula has been used as a tonic formula for centuries in China. According to various reports , it is effective in certain cancer therapy.


  1. Ulcer in lower legs: add ze xieniu xi.

  2. Foot fungal secondary infection: add wu wei zi, long gu.

  3. Tuberculous arthritis of the knees: add fang feng as main herb and add qiang huo, fu zi,  niu xi,  du zhong  according to the syndrome.


do not use this formula when

  • sickness is acute and serious, or

  • high fever, or

  • lack of appetite with diarrhea, or

  • in cases of yinxu (yin deficient)  with heat.

Shi quan da bu tang in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy by K. Sugiyama. In that writing, it summarizes an adjuvant therapy using the formula cis-platin and its derivatives, and mitomycin in laboratory animals. The formula reduces side-effects of chemotherapeutic agents and radiation.[1]


See the research result:

Note: shi quan da bu tang is pronounced as Juzen-taiho-to in Japanese.

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In Chinese

方名﹕十 全大補湯 (太平惠民和局 劑方)

用于﹕氣 血虛寒,陽虛手足冰冷。大 病後及慢性之虛弱疲勞 ,咳嗽或貧血諸種症 狀,各種出血 ,癌症 ,痔瘺 ,骨疽 ,骨結核 , 腎結核 ,瘰癘 ,白血病 ,夢精 ,帶下 ,脫疽 ,凍傷 ,子宮癌 ,閉經。乳癌 ,產後腳氣 ,小兒麻痺 ,視力減退 ,皮膚病 ,驚悸 ,頭疼 ,思考能力減退 ,四肢無力 與僵 硬 ,厥冷手 足發冷,冷至肘部和膝部 ,食慾不振 ,嘔吐等。

組 成﹕

黨 參 三 錢 , 白 朮 三 錢 , 茯 苓 四 錢 ,甘 草 一 錢 , 熟 地 黃 五 錢 , 當 歸 四 錢 , 白 芍 四 錢 , 川 芎 一 錢 ,黃 耆 四 錢 , 肉 桂 一 錢 後 下 。


加減 :

1.小腿潰瘍:加 澤 瀉牛 膝

2.足癬繼發感染:加 五味子龍 骨

3.鶴膝風 (結核關 節): 加 防風為 主藥,

      根據症狀加 附 子牛膝杜 仲



注意﹕如 病勢激烈,或高熱者,則不適用。

食慾減退或下痢者,亦不適用。 陰虛有 熱不可用。


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A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading  in progress


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