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jiao gu lan 絞股藍  (in English and Chinese 中英文)

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name:


Herba Gynostemma pentaphyllum

Biological name:


Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thumb) Makino

Japanese pron.



Korean pron.



Pron. in Cantonese:


gaau2 gu2 laam4

Common Name:


sweet tea vine,

Other Names:


qi ye dan 七葉 膽, wu ye shen 五葉蔘,



South western part of mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia. Yunnan province has the largest number of species. It can also grow in 600 to 2000 meters above sea level in Taiwan where it is moist and shady.

大陸 西南部及長江流域以南各省區、 韓國、日本、越南、印尼。以雲南種類最多。台灣在600~2000m的 山谷 陰濕處均能生長。

Properties (characteristics)

bitter, sweet, cold.


Channels (meridians) entered:


lung, spleen and kidney


Actions & Indications:

Being used in inflammation, phlegm and cough, hypertension, liver diseases, headache, neuralgia, lower back pain, diabetes, kidney diseases, ulcer of stomach and duodenum, bronchitis, allergenic dermatitis, insomnia, constipation, gall bladder stones.

消炎解毒,袪痰止咳。高血壓,肝病,糖尿病,腎臟 病,胃及十二指腸潰瘍,頭痛,神經痛,腰 痛,支氣管炎,過敏性皮膚炎,失眠,便秘,膽結石。

Present Day Applications:

Treatment of :

1. high lipid level


3. irregular heat beats of fetuses

4. chronic atrophic gastritis

5. Thrombocytopenia (low in platelets

6. lack of white blood cells

7. for treatment of lack of white cells resulted from chemo or radiation therapy.

8. folk applications: anti-inflammation, detoxification, stopping cough and expelling phlegm, chronic bronchitis [7],

9. saponin of jiao gu lan (gypenoside) with added alcohol, some peppermint oil, and glycerine is made into hair protection lotion for preventing white hair[11] .

10. Deodorant: extract of gypenoside with added cane sugar and alcohol, after storing for 2 months, strain, and end product is yellowish green liquid. Taking orally, it can be used for inhibiting body odor from the armpits.

Medical function:

藥理﹕(按 此看中文)

Medical Functions:

1. anti aging effects

improves immune system, promotes growth of the nerve cells, protects and slows the atrophy of brain cells, improve brain activities and memory.

  1. prolong the life of cells

  2. prolong the life animals

  3. the anti aging functions:

2. anti stress

  1.   anti fatigue

  2.  resists lack of oxygen

  3.  resists temperature changes

3. effects on metabolism

  1. lowers blood pressure

  2. lowers blood sugar and improves sugar metabolism

  3. improves protein metabolism

4. improves immune system

5. improves white blood cell count

a study using Cyclophosphamide and radiated with cobalt 60 to lower the white cells of laboratory rats. Then administered jiao gu lan to the rats. The white cell count improved. It also can improve the engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies of the phagocytes.

6. anti-cancer

inhibits cancer cells of lung, liver, uterus, and melanoma tumor, and it also can help with the  therapy of the cancer of the aesophagus, and it especially effective in cases of the stagnation of phlegm.

7. protects liver form toxin.

8. prevents platelet coagulation

9. prevents cardiovascular diseases

improves blood flow to brain and heart muscles, resists injuries of the heart muscles from lack of blood and oxygen. Lower lipids.

10. lowers blood sugar

11.  calming effect

 helps sleeping, lessens anxiety,

12. improves memory

13. other effects:

it possesses the prevention and therapy effect on back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, stiffness of shoulders, chronic bronchitis, asthma, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and can lessen the side effect of steroids.

Chemical Ingredients:


1. Saponins: more than 80 gypenosides including ginsenoside Rg , compound K, 14 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-ergosta-9 [11, 24, 24- dimethyl-5 alpha-cholest-8en--3beta-ol[16], 24, 24- dimethyl-5 alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol, 24 alpha-ethyl-5alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol [17]

2. Other ingredients: sugar, vitamins, malonic acid, flavons like: rutin, ombuin; also contains 18 kinds of amino acids and inorganic elements like iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, calcium etc.

(more to upload)

(一) 皂貳類,為絞股藍皂貳,其基本化學結構四環三帖的達瑪烷型,目前已分離出八十多種皂貳。

(二) 其他化學成份有 (a) 糖類、(b) 維生素、(c) 丙二酸 (malonic acid)、(d) 黃酮類成份有蘆丁 (rutin)及 商陸素 (ombuin)、(e) 十八種胺基酸..等,計有天門冬酸、蘇氨酸、絲氨酸、等,(f) 二十四種微量元素,鐵、鈣、銅、錳、 鋅、硒 等。



do not take during pregnancy or during lactation where the function of bodies of the mothers are cold.

 孕婦忌服。哺乳期中 體寒之婦女不宜服 。


  (back to medical function)



























  1. 抗衰 老作用:

    (1) 延長細胞壽命

    (2) 延長動物壽命



  2. 對非特異性刺激的作用

         (1) 抗疲勞作用

         (2) 抗高溫﹐抗低溫作用


  3.  對機體代謝影響


  9. 抗心臟血管疾病

  1.  降血壓作用: 能降低腦血管及冠狀血管的阻力,增加冠脈流量,減慢心率,明顯的有降低血壓的功能。

  2.   抗血小板凝集:抑制及誘導血小板的凝集與釋放,對某些心脈 血管疾病的防治,有一定的功效。

  3. 降血脂作 用:能抑制脂肪細胞產生游離脂肪酸及合成中性脂防,對脂質代謝失調有調解和改善的功能,所以對高脂血症有防治的作用。

  4. 抗缺氧作用:抗心肌缺 血缺氧作用:能減輕缺血心肌組織結構的損傷程度,亦能縮小心肌梗塞範圍,對心肌細胞有保護功能。

         (2) 降血糖和改善糖代謝作用: 能預防調節血糖與胰島素的協調功能,所以對大渴、 多飲的糖尿病患者,能減輕其症狀。

         (3) 對蛋白質代謝的影響

    4.  對免疫系統影響  

    5. 升白血 血球 作 用

七葉膽皂貳的化學結構與人參相同者多,故其取代人參的功能受人重視。學者以環磷醯胺(Cyclophosphamide)和鈷60照射,引起小鼠血中白血球低落,七葉膽能明顯的升高白血球數值(段,1991;魏,1993)。 七葉膽亦能增加白血球的吞噬功能(龔,1992)。

     6. 預防癌症腫瘤功能

能明顯抑制子宮、肝、肺、黑色肉瘤等癌細胞的生長、增殖,以及其他內外腫瘤,對消化道癌有一定輔助治療功 效,另痰氣鬱結者,尤為適宜。

     7.  保肝作用

  1. 抗自由基損傷作用:能抑制肝臟和血漿的脂質過氧化反應,降低肝臟脂質氧化物含量,還能增加自由基損傷細胞超氧化酵素的活力,顯示其有抗氧化和 抗自由基損傷的作用。

  2. 以七葉膽粗皂貳餵給大鼠,可以降低以高脂質、高糖食物為食物的大鼠血中之三酸貳油脂(Tri-glycerol)、脂質過氧化物(LPO)、 總膽固醇、磷脂質、麩氨酸-焦葡萄酸轉氨脢(GPT)之含量(Kimura et al., 1983;Cour et al., 1995)。

  3. 以吞噬細胞、肝微粒體及血管內皮細胞做氧化試驗,七葉膽能降低人類嗜中性白血球之超氧化物陰離子及過氧化氫的含量,故可減低被氧化作用,增加 細胞存活率(Lin et al., 1993)。

  4. 能抑制四氯化碳所致的急性肝損傷,對肝細胞空泡變性、炎性浸潤、壞死等有保護功能。

     8.  具有顯著的鎮靜、催眠、抗緊張的作用,對於精神緊張、鎮痛以及神經衰弱、失眠等效果 明顯。

9. 健腦、學習記憶增進作用

所含有效成分如人參皂貳等 ,能促進腦細胞的活化,因此對於學齡兒童之學習力、記憶力,有增強作用,並有防治老人癡呆症的功能。

10. 其他作用

 對於腰痛、風溼痛、肩部肌肉僵硬、慢性支氣管炎、哮喘、胃十二指腸潰瘍、痔瘡、四肢冰冷、畏 寒、舒解工作及生活壓力、保持體力等均有良好的預防和治療的功效,並能減輕類固醇藥物的副作用。


  Cyclophosphamide        (back to medical function)

A highly toxic, immunosuppressive, antineoplastic drug, C7H15Cl2N2P, used in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma, and certain other forms of cancer, such as leukemia and breast cancer.

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A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading              in progress

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