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Eye Viral Infection 病毒性眼睛結膜炎

pink eye, bloodshot eyes, or conjunctivitis

Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu      按此看中文


  1. Redness of the sclera (white part of the eye)

  2. Redness of the inner eyelids

  3. Puffy, irritated and infected eyelids

  4. Watery discharge from eye

  5. No pus or yellow discharge from eye

  6. No matting of eyelids

  7. Light sensitive

  8. Not caused by crying or allergy

  9. Cloudy version


chai hu12 g, man jing zi 12 g, huang qin 9 g,huang lian 5 g, chi shao 9 g, shan zhi 9 g, long dan cao 9 g,  jing jie 9 g, fang feng 9 g, chuan mu tong 6 g, shen gan cao 6 g.

Rinse the herbs with water. Boil with 3 bowls of water.

Simmer till 80% of a bowl is left. Drink as tea.

While the herbs are still warm, place face over the steam of the lukewarm herb to let the lukewarm steam to get to the eyes. (The steam should not be hot.)

Adjustment of formula:

  • Unable to withstand bright light, tears, heaviness in the head add : jiang huo, bai zhi.

  • Inflammation is serious add: jin yin hua 20 g。

  • Inflammation of eye lids add: sheng di huang 15 g, dan pi 12 g.

  • Corneas blurry add: gu jing cao 9 g ,  mi meng hua 9 g.


  • Among 30 patients (34 eyes), 30 eyes were healed.

  • Symptoms subsided and sores became 50 % less: 2 eyes.

  • Non effective: 2 eyes.

  • Total effectiveness: 94%.

Source of formula: Ding Guo Zhang, People Hospital, Qu Dong District, Jiang Su Province, China.

Warning: This formula can be toxic to the kidneys because of the herb mu tong. There are different varieties of mu tong in the market. Before the Qing dynasty, however, it was not toxic because mu tong was derived from either the plant of Akebia guinata or the plant Akebia lobata.  Today, ninety five percent of mu tong (guan mu tong 關木通) used in China is from the stem of Aristolochia debilis, a toxic plant usually grown in the northeastern provinces of China, formally called Manchuria. Only rarely in a few localities in China, is mu tong obtained from Akebia guinata or Akebia lobata being used. Today, all manufactured formulae that contain guan mu tong are being banned in China because of the toxicity to the kidneys.


If you use this formula, make sure the item mu tung is not from the stems of Aristolochia debilis (Aristolochia  manshuriensis).  Use

  1. Clematidis Armandii Franch (chuan mu tong 川木通)

  2. Clematidis Armandii Franch (huai tong 淮通)

  3. Akebia trifoliata Koiz. var. australis Rehd. (bai mu tong白木通)

Warning: According a study in California, the herb labeled as Akebia trifoliata Koiz. var. australis Rehd. (bai mu tong白木通), are all actually  Aristolochia debilis (Aristolochia  manshuriensis) which contains aristolochia acid.. 



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柴 胡 三 錢 , 蔓 荊子 三 錢 , 黃 芩 二 錢 半 ,黃 連 錢 半 ,  赤 芍 二 錢 半 , 山 梔 二 錢 半 ,

龍 膽 草 二 錢 半 , 荊 芥 二 錢 半 ,

二 錢 半 , 川 木 通 錢 半 , 生 甘 草 錢 半 。

水 三 碗  煎 八 分 。 用 藥 渣 趁 熱 熏 眼 。

加 減 :

  • 畏 光 , 流 淚 或 頭 重 者﹕  加 姜 活 , 白 芷

  • 炎 重 加 者 ﹕  金 銀 花 五 錢 。

  • 并 發 睫 炎 者 ﹕ 加 生 地 四 錢 ,  丹 皮 三 錢 。

  • 角 膜  渾 濁 者﹕ 加 轂 精 草 , 密 蒙 花, 各  二 錢 半 。

療 效 : 30 例 (34 只 眼 ), 治 愈 30 眼 。 

症 狀 減 輕 , 潰 瘍 面 積 縮 小 50% 者 2例 。

無 效 2例 。  總 有 效 94%。

處 方 來 源 :  江 蘇 省 , 啟 東 縣 , 人 民 醫 院 , 丁 國 章 。

注意﹕ 木通有幾種。現在市場上賣的 95% 是關木通, 屬于馬兜鈴科﹐對腎臟有毒。凡含有關木通的成藥將被禁賣。


A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading              in progress

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Last update: Nov. 9, 2014; 11 pm; LAH