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Chinese Medical Classics  中藥典

Translated and explained by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 朱興國譯

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Anthology of Chinese Herb of Whole Nation 全國中草藥匯編

Ben Cao Bei Yao  本 草備要

Ben Cao Cong Xin    本草從新

Ben Cao Gang Mu 本草綱目

Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu   本草經集注

Ben Cao Jing Shu (Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Shu) 本草經疏 (神 農本草經疏)

Ben Cao Shi Yi 本草拾遺

Ben Cao Xin Bian 本草新編

Ben Shi Fang 本事方

Bian Que Cang Gong Lie Zhuan 扁鵲倉公列傳

Dan Ji Xin Fa 丹溪心法

Bian Zheng Lu (Record of Diagnostics) 辨証錄

Fu Qing Zhu Gynaecology 《傅青主女科》

Huang Di Nei Jing 黄帝内經

Ji Sheng Fang  濟生方

Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet)金 櫃要略

Jing Yue Quan Shu 景岳全書

Lan Shi Mi Cang   蘭室秘藏

Lei Zheng Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang 類証普劑本事方

Li Shi Zhen 李時珍

Nan Jing 難經

Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun 內外傷辯惑論

Pi Wei Lun  脾胃論

Qian Jin Fang 千金方

Rui ZhuTang Jing Yan Fang 瑞竹堂經驗方

San Yin Ji Yi Bing Zhen Fang Lun 三因極一病証方論

Shang Han Lun 傷寒論

Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing 神農本草 經

Sheng Cao Yao Xing Bei Yao  《生 草藥性備要

Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang  太平惠民和劑局方

Tai Ping Shen Hui Fang   太平 聖惠方

Tang Rong-Chuan 唐容川

Wai Ke Quan Sheng Ji Fang 外科全生集方

Wai Ke Zheng Zong 外科正宗

Wan Bing Hui Chun萬 病回春

Wen Re Lun     溫熱論  

Xiao Er Ke Zheng Zhi Jue 小兒藥証直訣

Xue Shen Bai 薛生白《 濕熱條辨》

Yuan Ji Qi Wei  原 機啟微

Yi Fang Ji Jie 醫方集解

Yi Lin Gai Cuo 醫林改錯

Yi Xue Zheng Zhuan 醫學正

Yi Zong jin Jian  醫宗金鑒

Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng《 證治準繩》

Zhong Hua Ben Cao《 中華本草》

Zhong Yao Da Ci Dian 《中藥大辞典》

Ben Cao Cong XinMateria Medica, Renewed) 本草從新 is composed by Wu Yi-Luo of Qing dynasty in the year of 1757 A.D. The book is based on the book Ben Cao Bei Yao, by Wang Yang of Ming dynasty. It consists of 18 volumes. The front of the first volume describes the characteristics of medicines. Then it classifies the medicines into herbs, trees, fruits, vegetables, grains, mineral and metal, water, fire and earth, animals, insects, fish and those other with scales, human, total of 11 divisions and 52 types. It includes 720 kinds of medicines. It classification is basically the same as Ben Cao Gang Mu 本草綱目. It describes the characteristics of all the medicines listed, applications, identifying the medicine for adulteration or substitution, methods of processing the medicines. combinations. All data show the sources of information.
本草從新: 撰者 :清·吳儀洛字 遵程,浙江海鹽人。成 書於乾隆二十二年(公元1757年)。
此書作者在明·汪昂所撰《本草備要》基礎上重訂而成。全書十八卷,卷首為“藥性總義”,後分草,木 ,果,菜,穀,金石,水,火土,禽獸,虫 魚 鱗介,人11 部52類,共載藥720種。其分類方法基本同《本草綱目》。各藥論述分為藥物性味,主治,真偽鑒別,炮制方法及臨床配伍應 用等 ,凡引用資料均有出處。

Ben Cao Bei Yao 《本草備要(Complete Essentials of the Materia Medica, )This book was composed by Wang Ang in 1683 during the Qing Dynasty and a new edition with added items was published in the 33rd year of the emperor Kang Xi of  Qing Dynasty, about 1694 A.D. The book  consists of 8 volumes. It it is mainly based on the books Ben Cao Gang Mu 本草綱目 and Ben Cao Jing Shu 本草經 疏 . It can be deemed as clinical handbook and also as an introduction to traditional Chinese medicine. Volume one consists 191 varieties of medicine from herb. Volume two consists of 83 varieties of medicine from trees. Volume three consists of 31 varieties of medicine from fruits. Volume four consists 40 varieties of medicine from grains and vegetables. Volume five consists of 58 varieties of medicine from metals, minerals, water, and wood. Volume six consists of 25 varieties of medicine of fowls and beasts sources. Volume seven consists 41 varieties of medicine of   fish, reptiles and insects sources. Volume eight consists of 9 varieties of medicine of human sources.

本草備要:本書為清·汪昂撰於1683年,增訂本於康熙三十三年(1694年)刊行。共有八卷。主要 取材於《本草綱目》和《神農本草經疏》。本書可視為臨床藥物手冊,亦為醫學門徑書。。卷首為藥性總義,統論藥物性味,歸經及炮制大要:卷一草 部藥191種,卷二木部藥83種,卷三果部藥31種,卷四谷菜部藥40種,卷五金石水木部藥58 種,卷六禽獸部藥25種,卷七鱗介魚虫部藥41種 ,卷八人部藥9種,共計478種。每藥先辨其氣,味 ,形,色,次述所八經絡,功用,主治,並根據藥物所屬之“十劑”,分記於該藥之首。後世 刊 本又增附藥圖400余幅,更臻完善。

Huang Di Nei Jing 皇帝內經(Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics) is also just called Nei Jing 內經. It consists of 18 volumes. Nine volumes of which is called Su Wen 素問and the other nine volumes did not have a name. During Han and Jin Dynasties, it is called "Nine Volumes" or "Zhen Jing" 針經, meaning needle classics. After Tang Dynasty, it is call "Ling Qu 靈."  The works were not done by one author. They were written over a long period of time starting during the Spring -Autumn and the Warring State period of China and added on by various writers during the dynasties of Qin, Han and till Tang dynasty.

Jing Yue Quan Shu 景岳全書  Composed by Chang Jing-yue in 1624 A.D. during the Ming dynasty. It is a book that encompasses most of the medical theories and applications at that time plus his personal experiences. 景岳全書    明﹒張景岳著,成書於公元1624年。     此書是張氏在 廣收博采諸家之論的基礎上結合個人的學術見解及臨床經驗匯編而成的一部巨著。張景岳, 名介賓,號景岳,字會卿。因為他善用熟地,有人稱他為“張熟地”。公元1563──1640(明嘉靖四十二年 - 崇禎十三年。一說約1555-1632年),明山陰(會稽)(今浙 江省紹興縣)人。景岳新方是《景岳全书》中第50,51两卷所载的新方八阵 。 景岳新方是張 景岳收集臨床經驗。

Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet) 金櫃要略composed by Zhang Zhong Jing  of Eastern Han Dynasty circa 210 A.D. 張仲景所著《傷寒雜病論》成書於公元210年 左右。共有十六卷,其中十卷論傷寒,六卷論雜病,其“雜病”部分即今之《金匱要略》。

Shang Han Lun (傷 寒論), The Theory of Injuries by Coldness  was by Zhang Zhong Jing  (張仲景).   Zhang Zhong Jing,  also called Zhang Ji, was born in 150 A.D. in Nanyang district of Henan province and passed away in 219 A.D. He deemed that all illnesses caused by external elements like coldness should be classified as Shang Han (injuries from coldness}.  傷寒論作 者 張仲景,名機,南陽郡涅陽(今河南省南陽縣)人, 約生於東漢和平元年(公元一五O年),卒於建安二十四年(公元二一九年)。傷寒論中的傷寒是 一切熱病的總稱。是指一切因為外感而引起的疾病

Qian Jin Fang 千金方(Thousand Pieces of Gold Formulae) 千金方: Written by Sun Si Miao of Tang dynasty. It was completed around 652 A.D. It is the earliest medical encyclopedia that exists today. 千金方作者孫思邈,唐代著名的醫學家,約於公元652年完成。是現存最早的醫學 百科全書。

Lei Zheng Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang , (Classified/Indexed  General Treatment formulae), also called  "Ben Shi Fang." It consists of ten volumes. It was written by Xu Shu Wei of Song Dynasty and was published around the middle of 12th century.  The book is organized into 23 types of formulae: strokes, liver, gall bladder, pain of muscles and bones, heart, small intestines, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the lung  and kidney channels, headache and dizziness. It collected more than three hundred therapeutic formulas and acupuncture and moxibustion methods. Most of them had been proven effective. At the end of the formulae, the  theory and experiences of the writer were listed. The books were type-set and printed after 1949. 《類証普濟 本事方》﹐或稱 《本事方》。十卷。宋·許叔微撰。約刊於12世紀中期。書 中按病類分 為中風肝膽筋骨諸風﹐心小腸脾胃病﹐肺腎經病﹐頭痛頭 暈方等23類方劑。收載治療方劑及針 灸法,所選方劑約300余首,多系 當時試用有效者。方劑之末附有作者的驗案及論述,反映了作者的獨到見 解和學術思想。1949年後有排印本。

Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang  太平惠民和劑局方

Dan Ji Xin Fa 丹溪心法﹐Edited by the students of Zhu Zhen Heng (aka Zhu Dan Ji) I281-1358)during the end Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty around the year of 1247 A.D..The book consists of 5 volumes. The book was completed at the end of Yuan dynasty and at the beginning Ming dynasty in the year of 1347 A.D. 丹溪心法 :當 時學 者尊朱震亨丹 溪翁, 朱丹 溪丹溪心法由 其門人根 據朱震亨平素所述及 臨床治驗記錄與 其弟子戴思恭作 所成的。 朱震亨I281-1358, 宇彥修,元代婺州義烏(今浙江省義烏)人,因世居丹溪,故學者尊之為丹溪翁。丹溪心法成書於元 末明初 公元1347年 。書 凡5卷。元 朱震亨著《醫學發明》,凡書1卷。元 朱震亨著《脈訣指掌》又名《脈訣指掌病式圖說》,凡書1卷。明 戴思恭錄《金匱鉤玄 》,凡 書3卷。明 戴思恭述《証治要訣》,凡書12卷。元 朱震亨著《活法機要》,凡書1卷。明 戴思恭輯《証治要訣類方》,凡書4卷并附 錄 宋濂撰《故丹溪先生朱公石表辭》。戴九靈撰《丹溪翁傳》。

Yi Zong jin Jian  醫宗金鑒  Edited by Wu Qian et al, by the order of the government of Qing Dynasty during the period of Qian Long Emperor. It encompasses the works from Spring and Autumn (770-476 B.C.) to Qing Dynasty on all aspects of Chinese medicine.    醫宗金鑒  是清代乾隆年間由吳謙等奉政府之命編輯的一部醫學教科書。書中內容極為豐富,採集了上自春秋戰國,下至明清的 歷代名著之精義,其內容包括內﹐外 ﹐婦﹐兒﹐針灸﹐傷科﹐眼科等臨床各科,還有診斷和方劑學等基礎理論的內容。

Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Materia Medica of Deity of Agriculture) 神農本草經 , an earliest medical material dictionary was composed around the era of Qin and Han dynasties. There were 365 kinds of medical materials collected in this book.  Later in history, people falsely credited the writing of the book to Shen Nong (the deity of herb and agriculture). Together with Huang Di Nei Jing 黄帝内經 are deemed to be the two most important classics of traditional Chinese medicine.神農本草經 (亦稱本經 ) 是中國最早的藥物學經典,成書於秦漢之際,後 人托名“神農”所作。書中共收載藥物365種 ,並根據藥物的 不同性能和使用目的,分為上,中 ,下三品,初步提出 “君臣佐使”,“四 氣五味”等 中藥理論。 它 與 皇 帝 內 經 被 視 為 兩 本 最 重 要 之 中 醫 古 典 著 作 。

Ben Cao Gang Mu (Materia Medica  Outline)﹐本草綱目,  is one of the most important Chinese medical material books, written by Li Shi zhen  (1518-1593)。It consists of 52 volumes, with more than 1.9 million characters and more than one thousand and one hundred pictures. The book lists 1,892 medical material of herbs, animals and mineral, 374 of which were new additions from the then known species, with11,096 formulae being used in the past. It has more than 60 different editions. The book has been translated into different languages: Japanese, French, German, Russian, Latin, and other languages.本 草綱目明代李 時珍(1518-1593)著。 全書共五十二卷,一百九十多萬字,插圖一千一百多幅,共收動物﹐植物和礦物等中藥1892種。在多數藥物後列有歷代藥方﹐共有11,096條 ,其中374條是當時的新品種。《本草綱目》共有60多種版本,並傳到日本﹐朝鮮﹐越 南,歐洲。先後被譯成日﹐法﹐德﹐英﹐俄﹐拉丁等多種文字。

Bian Que Cang Gong Lie Zhuan  is a title of a classic. Bian Que's real name is Qin Yue-Ren. Qin is his surname. The term Bian Que was referred to a legendary bird which at that period was deemed as a lucky healing bird.  He was also known as Luyi (doctor from Lu). The book Nan Jing (The Difficult Classics) was credited to him as his writing. He might have started the writing, but according to the style and content of the writing, it was primarily written after the book Huang Ti Nei Jing was published during the Han dynasty, about eight hundred years after the time of Bian Que.   扁鵲倉 公列傳  扁鵲,其真實姓名是秦越人 ,又號盧醫。據人考證,約生於周威烈王十九年(公元前 四O七年),卒於赧 王五年(公元前三一O年)。《 難經》託 名為秦越人所作,但應該是《黃帝內經》成書以後漢 代的作品。託 名扁鵲所 作 可 能 因 為 他 在 醫 藥 界 佔有很高的 地位。

Wan Bing Hui Chun﹐ (Restoring Health from Tens of Thousands of Diseases) by Xi Ting-Xuen of Ming dynasty.《萬 病回春  明/龔廷賢。龔廷賢字 子才﹐江西金谿人,承父龔信醫業,歷任太醫院。另著有《濟世全書》﹐《壽世保元》﹐《種杏仙方》﹐《魯府禁方》﹐《痘疹辨疑》﹐《金鏡錄》等 書。尤以《萬病回春》一書最為得力之作。

Ji Sheng Fang, 濟生方also called Yan Shi Ji Fang. It was edited by Yan Yong He of Song Dynasty. Ji Sheng Fang literally means "Life Helping Formulae". The book was completed in 1253 A.D. It consisted of 10 volumes, with 70 chapters on treatment discussion and 400 formulae. Later in 1267 A.D. he completed the second book where he included 24 chapters of treatment discussion which was not included in the first book and he added 90 more formulae. Both books were lost. The current book of 8 volumes were reconstructed from another publication,  "Yun Le Da Dian" by a famous scholar and official, Ji Xiao Lan of Qing Dynasty  《濟生方》,又名《嚴氏濟生方》,宋朝嚴用和撰。成書于宋寶元 年(1253)。原書共10卷,有論治70篇,方約400首;咸淳三年(1267) 又寫成《續方》,收前書未備之醫論24篇,方90首。二 書後均散佚,現在版本為輯復本︰一是清紀曉嵐從《永樂大典》中輯出的8卷本《濟生方》 ,有醫論56篇,收方240余首,內容或缺論,或紋瑁 ,或刈鷵,或論不對題,殘缺較甚,1956年由人民衛生出版社出版;一是根據《醫方類聚 》﹐《普濟方》等多種醫書,並參照日刊本《濟生方》 等重新整理,將《濟生方》與《續方》合二為一的輯復本,有醫論85篇,方520首,內容較 前一版本充實完整,基本接近原貌,1980年由人 民衛生出版社出版,名《重訂嚴氏濟生方》。

Fu Qing Zhu  Gynaecology 《傅青主女科》total 2 volumes , written by Fu San. It was completed in 17th century. It was first published in 1827. 《傅青主女科》 又名《女科》,2卷,傅山撰,约成書于十七世纪,而至道光七年(1827) 方有初刊本:後收入《傅青主男女科》中,合刊本多《傅氏女科全集 》,後附《產後篇》2卷。故或又為《女科·產後编》﹐陸 懋修《世补斋醫 書》收入之校訂 本﹐將 女科析為8卷﹐八門 。改稱 《重訂 傅 徵君女科》﹐《產後编》改名《生化编》。今本《傅青主女科》(《女科》)上卷载带下﹐血崩﹐鬼胎﹐调经﹐種子等五門 ,每門 下又分若干病候 ,计38條 ﹐39症﹐41方。下卷则包括妊娠﹐小產﹐难產﹐正產﹐產後诸症,亦五門 ,共39條 ﹐41症﹐42方。《產後编》上卷包括產 後總 論﹐產前產後方症宜忌及產後诸症治法三部,分列為17症;下卷继之而分列26症,并附补篇一章。全書文字撲實 ,論述简明扼要,理法方 藥 谨严而實 用,重视肝﹐脾﹐肾三脏病機,善用氣血培补﹐脾胃调理之法,故颇受婦產醫 家推崇。

Wai Ke Zheng Zong《外科正宗》 (Model Surgery) Written by Chen Shi-Gong (1555-1636) Ming dynasty.
With more than 40 years of experience, he gathered rich theory and practice.  The book was written in 1617.  It consists of 4 volumes. In the first volume he described the illness in the field of surgery, causes, diagnostics and therapies. In volume 2 to volume 4, he described more than a hundred of illnesses with 36 pictures.  (1). His philosophy includes internal and external treatment but emphasizes external treatment. He emphasized to open up the diseased parts and drain out  toxin.  He used scalpels and needles and corrosive herbs to rid of dead tissues, and opening wounds to promote drainage. In rehabilitation,, he suggested in enhancing nutrition and against diet restriction without good reason. (2) It contains rich collection of formulas, a great compilation of internal and external therapy methods since Tang dynasty.  《外 科正宗》  明代 陳 實 功(1555-1636年),字毓 仁,號 若虚,江 蘇 南通人。致力于外科四十余年,具有豐富的臨証 經 驗 和理論知 識 ,于1617年撰《外科正宗》四卷。卷一總 論 外科疾患的病源,病機,诊断的治療,卷二至卷四分論外科疾患100余種,附图36幅 。木書的主要貢 獻 為:
  (1)在學術思想上,陳 氏兼顾内外,較重外治,强凋“開户逐贼”,“使毒外出為第一”,常用刀針 相腐蝕藥 清除壞 死組 織 ,以擴 創 引流。在護 理 上主 張 加强營 養 ,反對無 原 則 禁忌。在當時 外科普遍重视内治的氣氛中,他的這 些 主 張 ,具有革新傾 向 ;
  (2)載 方豐富,集唐以來外科外敷内服方藥 之大成;
  (3)創 造和記叙了當时多種外科先進技術,如截肢,鼻息肉摘除,氣管縫合,咽喉部異物剔除術,以及用枯痔散,枯痔釘,挂線法治療痔屡等 方法;
  (4)記载多種腫瘤,其中對乳癌的描述和预後判断,全面具體 ,切合實際。其所創 之和荣散堅丸,阿魏化堅膏,能缓和惡性腫瘸“失荣”患 者之症状,延長其存活期。後世 對《外科正宗》的評價甚高,《四库全書總 目提要》評為:“列证最详,論治最精”。

Yi Lin Gai Cuo (Corrections on the Errors of Medical Works) by Wang Qing-Ren (1768 - 1831).  He emphasized the anatomy of human body. It contains many formulae on promoting blood circulation and qi circulation (function of the body), dissolving blood stasis.  醫 林改錯  王清任(1768-1831)著。王清任又名全任,字勛臣,清﹐ 河北 玉田縣人。是我國醫學史上富有創新精神的醫學實踐家,非常重視人體 解剖學,親自觀察尸體 結构,并繪圖以示;臨証亦頗有卓見,創造了不少補 氣 行 氣 ,活血化瘀的方劑。

Wen Re Lun     溫 熱 論  by Ye Tian Shi (1690-1760 A.D.) of Qing Dynasty.   One opinion is that the years of Ye Tian Shi  is 1667-1746.  Another opinion: (1665-1745 A.D.) Since Chinese history is recorded in the years of dynasties and the years of emperors, it is difficult to accurately translate into years of Christ. 温熱論: 葉天士 名桂,字天士,號香岩。公元1667─1746年(清康熙六年─乾隆十一年)(一 說1665─1745年)清代蘇州(今江蘇省蘇州。)人,對溫熱病,甚有研究,奠定了中醫學“溫病學”基礎,創立了溫熱學派。

Rui ZhuTang Jing Yan Fang, (瑞竹堂經驗方) "Literally means "Proven Formulae of Rui Zhu Tang". It consists of 15 volumes. It was written by Sha Tu Mo Su of Yuan Dynasty. Published around 1326 A.D. It listed more than 310 formulae. This book now exists in the duplicated wood printing copies of 15 volumes which were printed in Japan in 1795 A.D. During the beginning of Qing Dynasty the book was lost in circulation.  During the editing of the encyclopedia "Si Gu Guan Shu" material is obtained from  another book called "Yun Le Great Classics" and edited into 5 volumes. It consists of recuperating with nutrition, consumption, gonorrhea, asthm and coughing etc of 24 divisions and with an addendum  totaling more than 180 formulae.  Now exists the wood curve printing edition. and those reprinted during the reign of the emperor Guang Xu of Qing Dynasty.  《瑞竹堂經驗方》 共十五卷。元·沙圖穆蘇撰。大約刊於1326年。本書分為諸風﹐心氣痛﹐疝氣 ﹐積滯﹐痰飲﹐喘嗽﹐羨補﹐頭面﹐口眼耳鼻﹐髮齒﹐咽喉﹐雜 治﹐瘡腫﹐婦女﹐小兒共 15門,採方310餘首。選方較為精要,或選自各家方書 ,或採錄見聞中經驗效方。現 尚存1795年日本復刻的十 五卷本。但國內在清初時本書曾一度失傳,故編修《四庫全書》時,從《永樂大典》中編輯佚改編為五卷本,分為調補﹐消導﹐勞傷﹐遺濁﹐喘嗽等24門 ,另附補遺一卷,共180餘方。現存日刊活字本﹐清光緒當歸草堂刻本。1949年 後有排印本。

Wai Ke Quan Sheng Ji Fang 外科全生集, written by Wang Hong-xu of Qing Dynasty. He created the diagnostics mainly based on yin-yang theory. He published the family formulae of yang he tang (陽和湯), xing xiao wan (醒消丸), xiao jin dan (小金丹), xi huang wan (犀牛丸), etc. whcich are still being used clinically today. 《外科全生集》清代,王洪緒所著的創立了以陰陽為主的辨証論治法則,公開家傳秘方陽和湯﹐醒消丸﹐小金 丹﹐犀黃丸等,至今仍在臨床上應用。

Nan Jing  難經(The Difficult Classics) The full title of Nan Jing is "Yellow Emperor's 81 Difficult Classics" The old writing was created by Bian Que (Qin Yue-Ren) (407 - 310 B.C.) The book was completed circa the end of Western Han dynasty to Eastern Han dynasty period. 《難經》為《黃帝八十一難經》的簡稱,或稱《八十一難》。舊題秦越人撰。大約成書於西 漢末期至東漢之 間。現存較早的版本有明經廠刻醫要集覽本﹐日本武村市兵衛刻宋王九思《黃帝八十一難》集注本等。歷代注釋﹐發揮者約50家 。該書針對《內經 》中深奧的中醫學理論,歸納為81個問題,進行釋疑解難。內容包括脈診﹐髒腑﹐陰陽﹐五行﹐病能﹐營衛﹐俞穴﹐針灸﹐以及 三焦﹐命門﹐奇經八 脈等理論疑難問題。涉及到人體正常生理﹐解剖﹐疾病﹐證候﹐診斷﹐針灸與治療,以及陰陽五行學說等種種疑難問題的論述。 內容十分豐富,在闡發 中醫學基本理論方面占有重要的地位。[1]

Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun (Differentiating Internal and External Source of Sickness) was written by Li Dong-yuan (1180 - 1251).  Gao was his first name; so he is also known as Li Gao , and also known as Li Ming-zhi. He emphasized that the foundation of human life is the digestive system (stomach qi). This book was completed in 1231. It consists of 2 volumes. He considered that internal injuries are illnesses caused by psychological stress and eating incorrectly; while external injuries are caused by external factors like cold or infections.  He also wrote the books of Pi Wei Lun (Digestion Theory) and Lan Shi Mi Cang (The Treasure of Orchid Chamber)李東垣 (1180-1251年),名杲,字明之。金元間真定( 今河北省保定市)人。倡導:“人以胃氣為本”。善溫補脾胃之 法,後稱之為“補土派”。為金元四大醫學家之一。 《內外傷辨惑論》,成書于公 元1231年,全書共二卷。辨外感,內傷的區別。凡精神刺激, 飲食不調等,引起的疾病為內傷病,其治療著重于調理脾胃。說明其與六淫外感病 的証治有區別。另撰有,《脾胃論三卷》,《蘭室秘藏三卷》;李 東垣歿於西元一二五一年,其時金亡已十七年之久,所以他亦可稱為元朝人。

Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng《證治準 繩》(Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment): Edited by Wang Ken-tang of Ming dynasty. He lived around 1549 to 1613. It has been printed over the period. Seventeen editions being printed by Shanghai Science and Technology Publication in 1957. The book emphasis of the book is mainly on diagnosis and treatment. Thus it is so named. On every syndrome, it describes the different experiences of medical experts of the past then he expresses his own opinion.  The information of the book is rich and is highly recommended by many medical experts of the past centuries. It consists of six different categories, namely miscellaneous diseases diagnosis and treatment, miscellaneous diseases formulae, cold injuries diagnosis and treatment, sores and  ulcers diagnosis and treatment, gynecology, pediatrics diagnosis and treatment. The six books consist of 44 volumes.《證 治準繩 》又名六科證治準繩或六科準繩, 為明, 王肯堂 (西元一五四九 年至一六一三年) 编撰。書成後,歷代均有刊本,主要 有 萬歷初刻本,四庫全書本,圖 書集成本。1957年上海科技出版社鉛印本等17種。本書所述皆以證治為主故名。每一病證均先綜述歷代醫家 治驗,後闡明己見,資料豐富,為歷代醫 家所推崇。包括雜病證治準繩,雜病證治類方,傷寒證治準繩,瘍醫 證治準繩,女科證治準繩,幼科證治 準繩六書 共四十四卷。

Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang   太平聖 惠方。 Tai Ping Shen Hui Fang: During Northern Song dynasty, the emperor of Song, Zhou Jiong ordered his department of medicine to collect the effective medical formulae from the whole nation and obtained more than ten thousand formulae from the medical profession and from the the collection of common citizens. In 978 he ordered the head of the department of medicine, Wang Huai-yun together with other officials of the department to compose Tai Ping Shen Hui Fang. It was completed in the year of 992. It consisted 100 volumes and was wood carved, printed and published. It was divided into 1670 categories and consisted of 16,834 formulae. Every category was outlined into causes of diseases, theory, syndromes, and effective formulae were in the appendixes. It combined theories and clinical practices. It was a complete medical systems. In the year of 1045, He Xipen selected the essential portion and edited into a book called Shen Hui Suan Fang (Selected Formulae from Shen Hui). It became the medical text book during the subsequent several hundreds of years.  《太平聖惠方》:宋太宗趙炅(匡義),於公元982年, 下詔翰林醫官 院向全國征集有效處方,得到各醫學家應用之效驗方或家傳效驗方10000餘首。於公 元978年命王懷隱等編《太平聖惠方》。 淳化三年(992)編成《太平聖惠方》100卷,并刻本刊行。此書分為1670門,收載醫方多達16834首 。每一門類,均以《諸病源候論 》的病因,病理和証候等醫學理論為綱,并附錄所匯集的有效方藥,是一部理論聯系實際,完整醫方體系的著作,很有 臨床實用價值,影響極大。公 元1046年,經何希彭選其精要,輯成《聖惠選方》,作為學習醫學的教材應用了數百年。

Zhong Hua Ben Cao《中華本草》Edited by the Health Department and National Chinese Medicine Management Office, published by Shanghai Science Technology Publication, on October 1998. There are 34 volumes. The first 30 volumes are about Chinese medicine. The last 4 volumes are about ethnopharmacology. It has collected 8,980 items and include 8,534 illustrations. It has quoted more than thousand kinds of ancient and modern literature, revealing the history of the development of herbal medicine studie.  It tracks objectively and reflects the complete system of Chinese medicine. The Volume IV ~ VI, includes moss herb, fern herb, gymnosperm herb, dicotyledon herb. This book includes traditional Chinese medicine varieties, cultivation, medicine, chemical composition, pharmacology, processing, preparation and clinical applications. Species contained in the number and length of traditional Chinese medicine, academic breadth and depth of content, are far more than any existing Chinese medicine works.由 中國國家衛生部和國家中醫藥管理局主編 。   出版社: 上海科 學技術出版社
全書共34卷。前30卷為中藥,後4卷為民族藥專卷。共收載藥物8980味,插圖8534幅,引用古今文獻1萬余種 ,揭示了本草學發展的歷史軌跡,客觀地體現了中藥學術的完整體系。其第四卷~第六卷,包括苔蘚類植物藥,蕨類植物藥,裸子類植物藥,雙子葉植 物藥。本書內容包括中藥品種,栽培,藥材,化學成分,藥理,炮制,制劑,臨床應用等。所載中藥品種數量和篇幅,學術內容廣度與深度,均超過了 迄今任何一部中藥著作。

Xue Sheng Bai  (1661 - 1750). His nicknames were Yi-Piao (meaning one laddle), Kui Yun Dao Ren, Mo Jian Dao Ren, .... . , One of his works "Febrile Diseases" has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. He is considered an expert in damp-heat . He classified the damp-heat condition into "dampness heavy" or "heat heavy". In dampness-heavy condition the tongue is coated with white oily substance while in heat-heavy condition the tongue is coated with yellow or thick oily or brown substance. 薛雪(1661-1750)字生白 ,號一瓢,又號槐雲道人,磨劍道人,牧 牛老朽。江蘇吳縣人,與葉桂(天士) 同時而齊名。早年游于名儒燮之門,詩文俱佳,又工書畫,善拳技 。後因母患濕熱之病,乃肆力于醫學,技藝 日精。薛雪一生為人,豪邁而復淡泊,年九十歲卒。他于濕熱証治特稱高手,所著《濕熱條辨》即成傳世 之作,于溫病學貢獻甚大。薛 生 白 根據“舌根白,舌尖紅”,認為濕漸漸化熱而餘濕猶滞;“舌白”,“舌遍體 白”,為濕濁 極盛 之象。 又嘗選輯《內經》原文,成《醫經原旨》六卷 (1754)。 唐大烈《吳醫匯講》錄其《日講雜記》八則,闡述醫理及用藥;另有《膏丸檔子》(專 刊稿),《傷科方》,《薛一瓢瘧論》(抄本)等,亦傳為薛 氏著作。《薛生白醫案》,《掃葉庄醫案》則系後人所編。[2]

Tang Rong-Chuan (唐容川)(1846─1897)was a famous medical writer during the later Qing dynasty. During his time there was a vast amount of influence of new knowledge of Western medicine coming into China. He studied Western medicine and physiology and anatomy besides Chinese medicine. He refuted the idea that Chinese medicine was not scientific. His opinion was that the Chinese medicine emphasized qi transformation (emphasizing the different functions of the body) and the Western medicine focused on the physical parts of the body. He thought that both had their advantages and short comings. One of his important works is "The Diagnostics of Blood Syndrome" (血 證 論 ).

Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu was composed by Tao Hong-Jing at the end of 5th century around 490-498 A.D. The book consists of 7 volumes. It includes 730 kinds of medicine. It is divided into (1) minerals, (2) herbs, (3) trees, (4) insects and animals, (5) vegetables and fruits, (6) grains. . 本草經集注是 南朝梁‧陶弘景撰,成書於五世紀末,共7卷,收錄藥物730種。書中按照藥物在自然界中的屬性分為六類,即:(一)玉石類;(二)草類;(三)木 類;(四)蟲獸類;(五)果菜類;(六)米食類。是《神農本草經》以來中藥學的又一次大總結。 


Ben Cao Jing Shu (Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Shu) This book is composed by Miao Xi Yong of Ming dynasty and was published in the year of 1624. Its academic value is only second to Ben Cao Gang Mu. This is a clinical medical application book. It consists of 30 volumes. The first 2 volumes are summary. It consists of 33 chapters of pharmacology, the principle of herb clinical application, it points out the famous treatment of vomiting blood: (a) lower qi instead of lower fire. (b) promote circulation instead of arresting bleeding.  (c)tonic liver instead of attacking liver. There are 28 volumes of theory, listing 495 kinds of medicine.  《本草經疏》 (神 農本 草經疏): ,明·繆希雍(仲淳)撰,初刻於明天啟四年(公元1624年),是明代學術價值僅次於《本草綱目》的一部臨床用藥 專著。全書30卷 。前2卷 相當於總論,有藥學專論33篇,闡述臨床用藥原則,提出著名的治吐血三要(宜降氣不宜降火,宜行血不宜止血,宜補 肝不宜伐肝),每多 新見 。各論28卷,載藥495種(多取《神農本草經》,《名醫別錄》之藥)。各藥分三項:“疏”,闡發藥性功治之理;“主 治參互”,列述配伍 及實用方;“簡誤”,提示用藥易混誤之處。全書重在闡述臨床用藥之理,多結合作者豐富的用藥經驗,內容精博實用,對明末 以後中醫臨床藥學發 展 產生了巨大影響。


Ben Cao Xin Bian (Materia Medica New Edition) was composed by Chen Shi-duo, the then famous doctor of Qing Dynasty. It consists of 5 volumes. It lists 277 items of herbs.
《本草新編》又名《本草秘錄》,為清代名醫陳士鐸所著。全書共分五卷,卷前首載凡例十六則,勸醫六則,七方論,十劑論,辟陶隱居十劑內增入寒 熱二劑論,辟繆仲醇十劑內增升降二劑論,對該書的編寫目的,收藥原則,七方十劑之義等進行了說明。卷一至五,以藥名為綱,列舉了二百七十七味 藥物,對每一味藥物,均先述攻效於前,繼發尚論於後。其對藥物性味,歸經,功效,主治的論述,能略人所詳,詳人所略,見解獨特,發前人所未發 。

Yi Xue Zheng Zhuan (The Correct Transmission of the Study of Medicine) is written and edited by Yu Tuan of  Ming dynasty. It is a writing of conglomerate of Chinese medicine. It includes the essence of of the book Huang Di Nei Jing, Pulse Classics,  the past medical theories,  effective formulae, handed down family knowledge, and his own opinions. The book includes internal medicine, external medicine, gynaecology, pediatrics, dentistry. 《醫學正傳》為明代虞摶編著,是一部中醫綜合性 著作。該書係作者摘取《內經》,《脈經》之要旨, 旁採歷代醫學之宏論效方,秉承家傳,傍通已意而成。全收共八,內,外 ,婦,兒,口齒各科 俱 備。收載近百種病證,每病為一個門類,病下設論,脈 法,方法幾個項目,有理,有法,有方,有藥,有按,有案。其論治傷寒宗仲景,內傷宗 東垣 ,雜病尊丹,旁徵博引,參以已見,為一部具有實用價值 的中醫古藉。


Yi Fang Ji Jie (Explanation of Collection of Medical Formulae) was written by Wang Ang of Qing Dynasty . The book explains the various medical formulae, applications, composition, cooking and taking methods. It has detailed explanation of causes of diseases, properties of herbs, therapy methods, and diagnostics.  醫 方醫方集解》 為 清汪昂所著,內容講述各種藥方的 主治病症,組成,煎服法,方義,皆為今人常用之方法。病源脈候,藥性治法,臟腑 經絡皆有詳細說明。


Anthology of Chinese Herb of Whole Nation 全 國中草藥 匯編》, published during 1975 - 1978. It was re-edited and published again in 1996. The book was the work of many specialists of China and from information gathered from various herb hand books and past publication of studies. It consists of two volumes and list more than four thousand herbs. Within the book, there are black and white pictures and there is a separate book with color pictures.  全 國中草藥匯 編,1975-1978年 出版。1996年修訂再版。本書由全國眾多專家 ,在各地草藥手冊及以往研究資料的基礎上匯編而成。分上,下兩冊,共載中草藥四千餘種,書中附 有墨線圖,另有彩色圖集一冊。全書內容豐富, 資料比較可靠,繪圖精緻,可供科研和臨床參考。


Bian Zheng Lu (Record on Diagnoses) was edited by Chen Shi Duo of Qing The dynasty. The book  was of comprehensive nature. It was completed in 1687.  It includes internal medicine, gynecology, external, and pediatrics. The content is divided into cold, influenza, stroke, dirt eating, sicknesses of newborn babies. It has 126 outlines with 773 syndromes, with about 1479 formulas. 《辨証錄》 為清代陳士鐸 所编。陳 士鐸字敬之,號遠公,別號朱華子。是部綜合性醫書。14卷。 約成書於康熙二十六年(1687年)。 內容包括內, 婦,外,幼等各科病証。分傷 寒,中寒,中風……吃泥,胎毒等126門773証,約 1479方 。每証詳列病狀,病因,立法處方, 並說明 方藥作用,以及配伍關系。每一証 除有一個主治方外,多數還以雙行小字形式附有一備用方劑,以資互 參。全書說理明白易曉,析証簡要中肯, 用藥靈活切病,頗多經驗之談。以“辨 病體之異同,証藥味之攻補”為特點,故稱為《辨証錄》。該書雖 每以《靈樞》,《素問》,仲景,東垣諸 說為 立論根據,但師古而不泥古,其辨証 尤重於症狀的鑒別分析。


Yuan Ji Qi Wei (Explanation of the Subtleties of the Origins) was written by Ni Wei De (1303~1377) who lived during the end of Yuan dynasty and the beginning of Ming dynasty. The book absorbed the previous medical writings of scholars of Jin dynasty and  Yuan dynasty..<原 機啟微>由元末明初倪維德 (1303~1377) 所著。本書吸取了劉完素 ,張從正,李杲等宋 金元諸家的學術 之成就,應用病因學說,臟腑經絡理論歸納眼科病証,辨証以邪正閗爭為主線,正的方面強調正氣不足是發病的決定性因素,邪的方面則 突出了火邪 的致病作用,通過經絡臟腑定病位,病性,形成了審症求因,分經辨証的眼科辨証體系.與此相應,方中善用辛散藥祛風清熱和升發陽氣, 升陽散火 ,運用藥物歸經及引經報使理論指導遣方用藥,體現了眼科特色,其學術成就和創新精神對今天仍然有重要現實意義。


Sheng Cao Yao Xing Bei Yao (medical characteristics of raw herb ) This book lists 315 herbs that are not listed by Ben Cao Gang Mu. These herbs are mainly produced in southeastern provinces of China. It lists the names of herbs, other names (aliases), areas of distribution, characteristics, and applications. Among the content, it deducts the medicinal characteristics of the herbs by their physical characteristics. For examples: if the stems of the herbs are like shapes of prisms and the leaves growing opposite each other, the characteristics of the herbs would be warm; and if the stems are round, the characteristics of the herb would be cold. This was the first writing that talked about that. The end of the book listed eight proven formulae for different miscellaneous diseases. It is an important writing on local herbs. 《生草藥性備 要》本書收載《本草綱目》未載之藥315種(這些藥多產於中國東南數省)。每藥分別記述藥名,別名,產地,性味和主治等內容。其中從 草藥形態推斷藥性,頗具特色。如藥草之莖成四棱形而葉對生者其性多溫,莖梗圓者其性多寒,便是首創之說。書末附雜症驗方8首。為記述地方草藥 的一部重要著作。


Zhong Yao Da Ci Dian (Chinese medical Great Dictionary) was composed by Nan Jing Traditional Chinese Medical School. It was first published in 1977. Before the dictionary was published, the Nan Jing Traditional Chinese Medical School was combined with the Nan jing Medical School, so the publisher is listed as Jiangsu New Medical University. The book listed 5767 items of medicine. Among them, there were 4773 items of vegetable origin and 740 items of animal origin, 82 items of mineral origin, and traditional processed medicine of 172 items. The second edition was published in 2006.  The listed items were increased to 6009 and also added the  cultivating and raising techniques of herbs and medicine animals. It also include the techniques of identifying, chemical ingredients, medical functions, and processing of herbs and present day clinical studies, and results of herb studies.

《中藥大辭典》是由前南京中醫學院(南 京中醫藥大學)編纂,1977年出版,出版時南京中醫學院與南京醫學院合並,故署名為江蘇新醫學院。書中共收載中藥5767味,其中包括植物 藥4773味,動物藥740味,礦物藥82味,以及傳統作為單位藥使用的加工制成品等172味。
於2006年出版第二版,增加 收載藥物至6008味,增補了初版後近30年來有關栽培(飼養)技術,藥材鑒定,化學成分,藥理作用,炮制, 現代臨床研究等方面的中藥研究成 果。


San Yin Ji Yi Bing Zheng Fang Lun (Treatise on Three Categories of Syndromes) is also called in simplified name as “San Yin Fang". It consists of 18 volumes, composed by Chen Yan of Song dynasty during 1174 A.D. The author deemed that the most important issues in medical practice are three categories of causes. The beginning of volume I and volume II are general discussion and it emphasizes the three causes: internal cause, external cause and not internal or external cause. The next part of the vol I and vol II of the book  to vol 18 lists internal, external, gynaecology, and pediatrics and list formulae for treatment. It is divided into 180 sections and list more than one thousand and five hundred formulae. The theory and formulae fit well and is practical. A portion of the formulae did not appear in the literature before Song dynasty. The special characteristics of the book is that it combines the 3 causes and clinical practice; so it is a highly valued book for studying etiology and various clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine. Now the printed supplement issues of Song dynasty, of Yuan dynasty and of Qing dynasty still exist. There are printed edition after 1949.

《三因極一病証方論》,原題《三因極一病源論粹》,簡稱《三因方》。十八卷。宋·陳言撰於1174年 。作者認為:“醫事之要,無出三因”。“倘識三因,病無餘蘊”。本書卷一-卷二前半部為醫學總論,並將三因(內因,外因,不內外因)作為論述 的重點;卷二下半部-卷十八列述內,外,婦,兒各科病証,並附治療方劑,共分180門,載方1500余首。方論結合頗切實用。其中有相當一部 分方劑不見於宋以前醫學文獻。本書的特點是將臨床與三因相結合,故對研究中醫病因學說和各科臨床辨証論治等均有參考價值。現存宋刻配補本,元 刻本及多種清刊本。1949年後有排印本。


Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue (Key to Therapeutics of Pediatrics) This is considered as the foundation of pediatric medicine (of China). The book is also known as "Qian's Key to Therapeutics of Pediatrics." There are 3 volumes. It was composed by Qian Yi during Song dynasty and was edited by his student Yan Xiao Zhong The book was completed 1119 A.D. The contents of the book is more inclusive in early China, and contains medical records of pediatric important monograph. "Key to Therapeutics of Pediatrics" There are 2 editions: the Song dynasty copy and Ju Zhen of Wu Ying palace hall of Qing dynasty. The former is a complex block-printed edition of the original book, latter of is an edited work and their contents are  slightly different. The beginning volume covers the the pulse diagnosis of pediatrics, containing  81 chapters. The middle  volume record in detail the medical case records of author Qian on children illnesses, totaling 23 cases. The last volume , discusses the pediatric prescriptions and their usages. The book, in simple way,  describes the diagnosis and treatments of pediatric patients  and is of high practical clinical value. The beginning of the book consists a chapter on biography of Qian Chung Yang, and the end of the book  there is one volume of attachment of the work of Yan Xiao Zhong: "Yan's Treatise of Formulae of Pediatrics". and one volume of Dong Ji's " "Treatise on Pediatric Typhus  Emergency Formulae".. After 1949 photo copies of the work are available.
《小兒藥証直訣》,中醫兒科的奠基之作。又名、《錢氏小兒藥証直訣》。3卷。宋代錢乙撰,由 錢氏門人閻孝忠編集而成。錢乙字仲陽。 此書成於公元1119年。本書是中國早期內容比較完整的醫書。它是載有病案的兒科重要專著。《小兒藥 証直訣》有仿宋刊本及清武英殿聚珍本二種。前者是原書的復刻本,後者是輯佚本,內容略有出入。卷上為脈証治法,共載小兒診候及方論81篇;卷 中詳記錢氏小兒病醫案23則;卷下諸方,論述兒科方劑的配伍和用法。書中簡要地記述了小兒病的診斷與治療,具有較高的臨床實用價值。卷首附有 錢仲陽傳一篇 ,書後附有閻孝忠《閻氏小兒方論》1卷,董汲《小兒斑疹備急方論》1卷。1949年後有影印本。




[1]難經﹐節錄自﹕中國中醫研究院中國醫史文献研究所研 究員 朱建平



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