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hong hua  紅花,  紅藍花, fan hong hua番 紅花

zang hong hua 藏紅花

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name:

英 文药名:

Flos Carthami Tinctorii

Biological name:

拉 丁名:

  1. Carthamus tinctorius L.

  2. Crocus sativus L. (zang hong hua or fan hong hua 藏紅花 即番紅花)

Pron. in Japanese:

日 語發音:


Pron. in Korean:

韓 語發音:


Pron. in Cantonese:

粤 語發音:

hung4 faa1

Common Name:

外 文名:

Cattharmus tinctorius L:

English: safflower, African saffron, American saffron, bastard saffron, dyer's saffron, false saffron. Deutsch: Färber-Saflor, Färber-Safflor, Färberdistel. Suomi Saflori, Värisaflori. Sven.: Safflor, Färgtistel. Français: carthame de teinturiers, safran bâtard. Espagnol: alazor, azafrán bastardo, azafrancillo.


分 佈:

 Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Yunnan

Those called Zang hong hua (Tibetan hong hua) are not grown in Xizang (Tibet), but they are grown in the Middle East but imported through Tibet (Xizang).



Properties (characteristics):


acrid, warm


Channels (meridians) entered:


liver, heart.

肝 ﹐心。肝經血分藥

Actions & Indications:


Actions & Indications:

1. Being used in lumps in intestines and bowels, sores and carbuncles, pain from impact injuries,rheumatoid arthritis,  invigorates circulation, breaks up blood stasis condition, and promotes menstruation: injuries from impact, swollen boils, irregular menses, pain in stopping of menses, pain from blood stasis after birth. Small amount can invigorate circulation and large amount can get rid of blood clots. It is an important herb in blood stasis therapy and often is prescribed with tao ren. To invigorate circulation, it is often used with dang gui, chuan xiong, shao yao. to rid of blood stasis, it is used with san leng, e zhu, and da huang .

2. measles with blood stasis, color not lively red: use hong hua, dang gui , zi cao, da qing ye
3. angina of coronary diseases: use hong hua, dan shen, chuan xiong, chi shao.
4. thromboangitis obliterans: use hong hua, dang gui , tao ren , chi shao,
ru xiang.

5. for treatment of enlargement of the liver and spleen.

6.For physical injuries with blood stasis and pain: broken bones, dislocated joints, sprains, and impact.


1 :用於癥瘕結塊,瘡癰腫痛,跌仆傷痛,風濕痺痛,月經不調,經閉腹痛,產後瘀痛等症。紅花辛散溫通,少用活血,多用祛瘀,為治瘀 血組滯之要藥,尤為婦女調經常用之品。常與 桃仁 相 配,活血則加 當歸川芎芍 藥等;祛瘀則加用三 棱莪 朮 大黃等。

2 :用於斑疹色暗。本品又可用於麻疹出而復收,或熱鬱血滯﹐斑疹色不活紅,取其活血祛瘀以化滯,可與 當歸紫 草大 青葉等活血涼血﹐泄熱解毒之藥物相配。

3 :治療冠心病心絞痛,與丹參 川芎 赤芍 等同用;

4. 血栓閉塞性脈管炎(脫疽),與當 歸桃仁赤 芍乳 香等同用。

5 ﹕ 治肝臟與脾臟腫大。

6﹕ 跌打損傷﹐骨折﹐脫臼。用于去瘀 血

Medical function:


Medical function:

1. Cardio-vascular system

It can mildly stimulate the heart, lowers the resistance of coronary arteries, improves circulation and provides the amount of blood flow to the heart muscle and provides nutrition to the heart muscles. Large amount has an inhibitory effect.

2. Effect on platelets

It can prevent the coagulation of the platelets thus inhibits the formation of thrombosis.

3. Effect on uterus

Small amount can increase the rhythmic contraction of the pregnant uterus. Large amount can cause constriction and spasm.

4. Provides protection for the brain in case of oxygen deprivation. Studies show that it can increase the treshold of rat in oxygen deprivation

5 Lower lipids

6. anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,

7. analgesic,

8. diuretic,

9. immune stimulant,

10. anti-inflammatory

11. anti-spasmodic,

12. emmenagogue (induce menses flow),

13. diaphoretic (induce perspiration),

14. induce interferon

劑量 可輕度興奮心臟,降低冠狀動脈阻力,增加其流量和心肌營養性血流量,但大劑量則有抑制作用。
5 降血脂作用

6. 抗細菌﹐抗真菌

7 止痛

8 利尿

9 增強免疫機能

10 抗炎

11 抗抽筋

12 通經

13 發汗

14 引發干 擾 素

Samples of formulae:

Painful or blockage of menses:tao hong si wu tang  (tao ren 10 g,hong hua  6 g, dan shen 12 g,dang gui 12 g,chi shao 12 g,chuan xiong 7g.). or use ge xia zhu yu tang

Painful abdomen due to blood stasis after birth: hong hua san, tuo hua jian

Painful joints, purpura, eczema: dang gui hong hua yin

痛經;經閉﹕桃 紅四物湯 (桃 仁10克,紅 花 6克 ,丹 參 12克,當 歸12克 , 12克 ,川 芎7克 )。膈 下逐瘀湯

產後瘀阻腹痛﹕花散, 脫花煎

癥瘕積聚;關節疼痛;斑疹﹕ 當歸紅花飲


Painful abdomen due to blood stasis after birth: hong hua san (source: Formulae of Gynecology by monks of Xiao Shan Bamboo Temple of Zhejiang province, Qing Dynasty)

hong hua 38 g, niu xi 38 g, shu mu 30 g, add white wine and simmer to a serving size. Drink while warm.

Editor's note: it seems that the dosage of hong hua is too much. Please adjust according to the syndromes of the patients.

產後瘀阻腹痛紅 花散  (出處 ﹕ 《女科秘方》為清代浙江蕭山竹林寺僧所著)

成 :紅花一兩 牛膝一兩 蘇木八 錢生白酒煎八分,溫服。

編者按﹕原方用紅花 一兩﹐可能太重。需按病症調整子。敬請中醫前輩指教。

Chemical ingredients:



palmitic acid棕榈酸
myristic acid肉豆蔻酸
lauric acid月桂酸
stearic acid硬脂酸
Cinnamic acid肉桂酸
arachidic acid花生酸
oleic acid油酸
linolenic acid亞麻油酸
beta-sitosterolβ-谷 甾醇 .



0.5 g to 2 g




 not to use in cases of bleeding, heavy menses, ulcer, pregnancy or during taking blood thinning drugs, like warfarin or heperin.

出 血,潰瘍病人,月經過多者,與孕婦忌用。不可與散 瘀西药如苄丙酮香豆素鈉(華法林)肝 素同用以免導致出血。


zang hong hua (fan hong fa)

zang hong hua (fan hong fa) Crocus sativus L., product of Europe, Middle East and India (Kashmir). It was imported through Xizang (Tibet) province. it is now also cultivated in China. It usage is the same as hong hua but stronger and possesses the effects of cooling the blood and rid of toxins. Dosage is 1 to 1.5 g  in decoction.


附﹕藏紅花 (番紅花) Crocus sativus L.產 於歐洲及中亞。一向由印度﹐伊朗經西藏輸入。現在中國也有生產。

性微寒味甘。歸心﹐肝經。作用與紅花相似而力較強﹐兼有涼血解毒之功效。多用於溫熱病﹐熱入血份發班﹐熱鬱血淤﹐ 班色不紅。

用量﹕ 1 ~ 1.5 克﹐作煎劑。出血﹐月經過多者,與孕婦忌用。



 · 偽品紅花一般多以添加雜質來加重其份量,也有用其 它花類 染色後加工而摻入紅花中的。
· 雜質類 :用淨紅花加入細沙﹐滑石粉﹐玉米糖稀﹐紅顏色及杏黃色加工而成。
· 偽品類 :用陳菊花﹐黃連須等粉碎後染色加工而成。
鑒別 方法:
1. 從重量上進 行鑒 別:純淨紅花(標 準 麻袋)每包20-23公斤,偽 品一般麻袋中加上塑料薄膜,裝的較 鬆 ,也會超過25公斤。
2. 從 顏色上進行鑒別:淨品紅花,顏色鮮艷。偽 品紅花,顏色較 暗淡。
3. 從手感上進行鑒 別:淨品紅花,手感柔軟,泡鬆 。偽 品手感,覺得有硬硬的感覺,較 頂手,輕揉後手中留有細微雜 物。
4. 水鑒 別:把本品放入水杯中,加入熱水,輕 輕 攪拌,放置一會。把上半部分倒掉,這時水杯底如有雜 物,系偽 品或含雜 。如用菊花染色者,上面 顏色會洗掉,露出原形。

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